Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Someone do remember

Yesterday I got a call from HSBC. The caller said they are considering on giving me a second card. I’m not interested on it coz I’ve never use my HSBC card pun but still layan kan aje the call. Bla bla bla and later the caller, a guy asked me;

“Cik ni dulu sekolah kat Sri Mahkota ke? And lepas tu sekolah kat SABS?”
I was like terkejut coz I didn’t remember putting something about my school in my application form dulu but then what he said is true so I said; “Aah”.

“Kenal saya tak? Kita ni classmate dulu.”
Although he did mention his name earlier but biasalah kan when calls from bank or any company ni I don’t really give much attention on their name so I’ve to ask again, “Sape ni ye?”

“Yang gelap tu ke?” Hehehe hampes punya question ek.

And yes I remember him, there’s only 3 guys je pun; Nazri, Valentino and one more whom I can’t remember his name (even tough Nazri did tell me yesterday). He said my name sounds familiar and he bet no many people have the same name like me so he just has to try. Bagus kan. To be honest, I feel flattered when people know me or remember me coz back then I’m kind of invisible and I don’t stay too long at one place thus normally people just don’t remember me. And the fact that I was there for a mere 6 month and yet 13 years later he can still remember makes me feel so honoured.

We talk about so many things. He’s getting married in December so maybe we can meet then. I'm sure there's many to catch up on that 13 years gap we had. But then he’ll be busy with the wedding and stuff. To make a mini reunion is not possible for I’ve lost contact with everyone whilst he lost many contact number when he lost his phone 2 years ago. It would be great if we can meet; a few if not all. Sure kelakar kan.

Recently I’ve thinking a lot about reuniting with my long lost friends. How I wish to meet primary and secondary schools friends. I bet it would be great then to see all of us after all this year. But then again I hardly have times for my friends; the available ones keep complaining of not enough me and there I am thinking about the long lost ones. Berangan ajelah Eny.

Anyway, people remember me. They do; although not many of them. I’m not that invisible after all. Hehehe…

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