Monday, December 24, 2012

Kejutan demi kejutan

It was one of those usual night. The boys (Bang Long, Thalha, Dik Man and Ayum) were sending Eman to bus stand. Abah was having his Ogawa back massage sambil berbual with me and Akak who was sitting nearby. Mak was in her room and Cumat was somewhere in the house. Suddenly Abah phone rang but he missed it. And later we heard Mak's phone rang and Cumat came running to pass the phone. All I heard was "Astaghfirurallahazim..... Kat mana? Ok lah...." Macam biasa la came the curious question. Kenapa Bah? "Diorang accident". Suspense aje. 

Passed my car key to Cumat and went to wear my tudung. Sekali tengok they went off without me (not knowing that I wanted to follow). Not long after Jannah balik to take Mak to police station. I tak jadi ikut sebab tunggu rumah with Akak. 

Around 11 something they came back with a car that look like this...... 

What happen was one reckless young driver hit them at a traffic light. He drove his father pick-up truck loaded with bunch of friends. They were too fast so it was a quite a blow. Eman who was sitting in the middle had his spec thrown away. They suffered from back and neck pain from the blow. Bila keluar kereta the boy boleh tersengih-sengih macam kerang busuk. Behind their car was a patrol car so Bang Long asked the help of En. Polis to send Eman to bus stand. Agaknya apalah orang ingat kat bus stand tu kan. With his kopiah and long beard, turun from patrol car pulak tu.... Banduan insaf baru keluar penjara ni kot. Hahaha......

Anyway, this morning bangun dengan another kejutan. Flood!!! Yup the surrounding area was flooded. Great way to start living at new place eh. At the time of typing this entry, hujan masih lebat di luar and the flood doesn't seem to recede. Not sure can go back to Putrajaya or not tomorrow. Alhamdulillah Abah tambak the ground a bit higher so our house is a bit higher than the surrounding area but still all entry point naik air so we can't go anywhere. 

Depan porch 
Rumah jiran sebelah
Shall update on this flood later. Doakan rumah kami selamat ye. Thanks....

Friday, December 21, 2012

Thalha's convo part 2

Ok sambung cerita convo. Next day tu kami ke UUM lagi sebab Thalha nak kena pulangkan robe. Sebelum tu boleh la kami bergambar dulu. Hehehe..... Kawan-kawan and awek tersayang dia pun convo hari tu jugak so meriah la sikit nak bergambar tu kan. Ada hikmah rupanya disebalik peristiwa semalam. Cewah....

Sedang menunggu kawan-kawan Thalha keluar dewan

Ceaaa... pakai dulu robe tu puas-puas sebelum pulangkan

Peluh sampai kuyup

Mak Abah & Thalha

Perasan tak sesuatu dalam gambar ni?

I nampak putih semacam kan. Wah....

Thalha, Rafi & Mak

Abah and Thalha's friend
Thalha & his roommate, Rafi


Dengan chenta hati
Good friends

Later I lepak dengan Mak Abah whilst Thalha pegi bereunion dengan kawan-kawan. Ni la hasil reunion tu....

Banyak gambar dengan chenta hati ni....

Panglima hitam dan errrr apa eh yang putih. Puteri agak melampau la pulak. Hahaha....
Thalha adalah lelaki yang paling rendah dalam family but still lebih tinggi dari I. Tskk....

Us again

With proud parents
Me and mommy and daddy

Chenta hati saya
Tahniah le budak montel
Next in line untuk convo ialah Siti. That would be next year kot. Insha Allah. Ada perbarisan apakebenda ntah. Biasalah kalau dah military ni kan. Tapi buat kat Sabah. Hai tak de tempat dekat sikit ke. Nampak gaya memang tak ramai la kot yang akan dapat pegi. 

Dah besar dah adik-adik I kan. Dah abis belajar, dah keje, nak kawin pun ada. Ohhh tuanya rasa.... Errrr not. Hahaha.... Kenapa I tak rasa tua lagi ni. Please la. I need to feel that I'm old so that I can be errr.... apa eh. Berfikir dan bertindak dengan lebih matang kot. Hahaha..... Oh well, berjiwa muda tak salah since I pun awet muda. Tak gitu? Hahaha.....