Yawn…. I’m sleepy and tired. Last night at 12am I’m still at Puduraya; hantar Abah and Ayum balik Kuantan. Plannya if my leave on Friday approved, Abah will wait till Wednesday and balik Kuantan together on Wednesday tu. Tapi leave tak approved so kenalah Abah balik semalam and we; Dik Man, Akak and me balik on Saturday.
I had a full and busy weekend right from Friday evening. Oh ye, have I told you all that Abah and the brood balik Lenggong on Monday tu? They come back here on Friday; with a ‘surprise’. Ntah apa la surprisenya. Abah pick me from work on Friday with Dik Man. Yang dua lagi tu stay at home with ‘surprise’ tu la.
Buka je pintu….’surpriseeee!’. Ingat kan apa, rupanya senapang buluh yang Abah buat kat kampung. And yes I got hooked playing with it ok. Memang best. Abah buat banyak and I pun nak jugak. Siap amik yang budak-budak ni punya. Abah was like…”kan Abah dah cakap dah. Betul tak apa Abah cakap?” Hahaha… a 30yo yang macam 3yo.
We all except Abah then went to pasar tani looking for foodstuff for the weekend. Lepas isya’ kena hantar Mazli ke ERL station. He’s going back to Kelantan to meet his wife yang on the verge of delivering. Wah dah nak jadi ayah dah Mazli ni. After that baru dinner. We had ikan pari bakar, sambal picit and pucuk beka (imported from Lenggong ok). Banyak betul makan.
Saturday after breakfast I went to APM to fetch feverish Eman with his dirty laundries. Then cook for lunch sambil mendobi. Petang tu we had a shopping session at Jusco Equine. Eman tak ikut sebab tak larat. Bought kasut sekolah for Dik Man and Ayum. I bought shoes gak. And wallet for me (again Eny?) and Abah. Abah beli 2 pairs of pant. Tapi Abah kata tak boleh tunjuk kat Mak dulu, nanti Mak bising. Hahaha… terbalik kan. Kalau orang lain, isteri tak nak tunjuk kat suami bila beli apa-apa sebab nanti suami bising kuat shopping. Family I terbalik, my mom kuat shopping tapi my dad tak kata apa-apa pun. But when my dad bought something nanti my mom mesti bising.
Before balik tu beli tiket sekali untuk Abah & Ayum. Tiket dah habis, yang tinggal pukul 12am. Nak tak nak kena beli jugak.
Sunday pun busy with cooking and other thing. Eman had to give a public speaking. He keep pestering me to help so I buat la sikit-sikit lepas tu busy dengan memasak. Last-last Abah yang buatkan textnya. That’s my dad; very reliable in everything, work matters included.
Lepas hantar Eman balik ke APM, terus siapkan dinner. Gerak dari rumah kul 10 lebih. I drive and Abah jadi navigator. Abah suruh balik terus tapi tak pelah we all tunggu sampai Abah & Ayum naik bas baru we all balik.
Nasib baik Abah dah tunjuk jalan so balik tu smooth journey. Sampai rumah kul 12.30am and trus tido. Abah called pukul 2.30am nak bagitau dah sampai.
Dan di sinilah saya kepenatan dan kelesuan sedikit.
I’ll updates photos later sebab terlupa nak bawak cable.
I had a full and busy weekend right from Friday evening. Oh ye, have I told you all that Abah and the brood balik Lenggong on Monday tu? They come back here on Friday; with a ‘surprise’. Ntah apa la surprisenya. Abah pick me from work on Friday with Dik Man. Yang dua lagi tu stay at home with ‘surprise’ tu la.
Buka je pintu….’surpriseeee!’. Ingat kan apa, rupanya senapang buluh yang Abah buat kat kampung. And yes I got hooked playing with it ok. Memang best. Abah buat banyak and I pun nak jugak. Siap amik yang budak-budak ni punya. Abah was like…”kan Abah dah cakap dah. Betul tak apa Abah cakap?” Hahaha… a 30yo yang macam 3yo.
We all except Abah then went to pasar tani looking for foodstuff for the weekend. Lepas isya’ kena hantar Mazli ke ERL station. He’s going back to Kelantan to meet his wife yang on the verge of delivering. Wah dah nak jadi ayah dah Mazli ni. After that baru dinner. We had ikan pari bakar, sambal picit and pucuk beka (imported from Lenggong ok). Banyak betul makan.
Saturday after breakfast I went to APM to fetch feverish Eman with his dirty laundries. Then cook for lunch sambil mendobi. Petang tu we had a shopping session at Jusco Equine. Eman tak ikut sebab tak larat. Bought kasut sekolah for Dik Man and Ayum. I bought shoes gak. And wallet for me (again Eny?) and Abah. Abah beli 2 pairs of pant. Tapi Abah kata tak boleh tunjuk kat Mak dulu, nanti Mak bising. Hahaha… terbalik kan. Kalau orang lain, isteri tak nak tunjuk kat suami bila beli apa-apa sebab nanti suami bising kuat shopping. Family I terbalik, my mom kuat shopping tapi my dad tak kata apa-apa pun. But when my dad bought something nanti my mom mesti bising.
Before balik tu beli tiket sekali untuk Abah & Ayum. Tiket dah habis, yang tinggal pukul 12am. Nak tak nak kena beli jugak.
Sunday pun busy with cooking and other thing. Eman had to give a public speaking. He keep pestering me to help so I buat la sikit-sikit lepas tu busy dengan memasak. Last-last Abah yang buatkan textnya. That’s my dad; very reliable in everything, work matters included.
Lepas hantar Eman balik ke APM, terus siapkan dinner. Gerak dari rumah kul 10 lebih. I drive and Abah jadi navigator. Abah suruh balik terus tapi tak pelah we all tunggu sampai Abah & Ayum naik bas baru we all balik.
Nasib baik Abah dah tunjuk jalan so balik tu smooth journey. Sampai rumah kul 12.30am and trus tido. Abah called pukul 2.30am nak bagitau dah sampai.
Dan di sinilah saya kepenatan dan kelesuan sedikit.
I’ll updates photos later sebab terlupa nak bawak cable.
Updates on photos.
Senapang buluh Ni guna untuk tembak peluru (tak tau panggil apa)
Laras untuk letak peluru; pelurunya wet old newspaper. Sakit beb kalau kena
Begini lah cara-cara nak mainnya
A shooter in action
Ops kena nyorok cepat-cepat
At Jusco Equine; tema colour merah tapi Abah tak de baju merah
Teks yang Abah buat untuk Eman
Arsenal's fan; baju and
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