I don’t know what has gotten into me last weekend. My spending went totally frenzy and I had a blast spending lots of money I’m yet to have (read: swiping the card). I went out early in the morning and only came back home later at night with plastic bags at both hand.
On Saturday, I went to IKEA with the betrothed couples; Rehan and Wan. But not before going to a workshop (Rehan need to do something with her car) and a Cavenzi outlet first. She picked me up around 8am; shoot to Puchong to met Wan there but again not before getting lost somewhere first. The workshop was at Shah Alam. Left her car there and went to Cavenzi. I was like nearly buying a sofa set there. Nice and cheap but I’m afraid the cushion/sponge will not last due to its rather cheap price (around RM700++ plus delivery). So after some time trying all the sofa, we went to IKEA.
I already had a list of thing to get there; 2-seater sofa and a bed frame that was on sale, a matching bedside table, a mattress and shopping at IKEA is not complete without some cute little thing that makes life easier or rather more in order. We skipped breakfast so by the time we reached IKEA, it’s nearly noon and everyone were starving. I had fish and chip (not really nice though) while the couples had the ever-famous meatballs.
After the energy level were fully recharged, without further a due, terus attack the display area. If only I have endless money supplies kan best. Everything is nice and comfy. I got what I want, a bed frame and 2-seater sofa (I bought 2) but not the matching bedside table and mattress; not in stock (I hope its not discontinued yet). I bought some plastic clips and multipurpose box in blue. IKEA only charged me RM65 for the delivery. Cheap huh! Rugi I didn’t bought mattress together coz later if I buy at normal store, they would charge me around RM100++ for 1 delivery. Haish…. All in all I spent around RM1500 that day.
On Sunday, Rehan planned to meet her sister at Seremban. I was supposed to tag along only but fate has it; I went frenzier where I bought 4 sets of Korean drama, a whole lot of undergarments, 2 pair of shoes and a handbag. Why la of all month, only in July I see nice stuff that I really want. Why can’t it be other month? If I didn’t swipe my card for that auto insurance renewal, there’s possibility I bought more than 2 shoes and few bags. Or even clothes and stuff. The funny thing for yesterday was, we kept losing our way, can’t really count the amount of u-turn we made. Kat Bangi pun boleh sesat ok.
Lepas ni kena makan pasir laaaa……. And oh my mouth hurt so much, banyak makan and banyak cakap. Ouch! Can’t wait for the furniture to arrive tomorrow. I’m gonna assemble it myself (or maybe with some help from Bang Long).
On Saturday, I went to IKEA with the betrothed couples; Rehan and Wan. But not before going to a workshop (Rehan need to do something with her car) and a Cavenzi outlet first. She picked me up around 8am; shoot to Puchong to met Wan there but again not before getting lost somewhere first. The workshop was at Shah Alam. Left her car there and went to Cavenzi. I was like nearly buying a sofa set there. Nice and cheap but I’m afraid the cushion/sponge will not last due to its rather cheap price (around RM700++ plus delivery). So after some time trying all the sofa, we went to IKEA.
I already had a list of thing to get there; 2-seater sofa and a bed frame that was on sale, a matching bedside table, a mattress and shopping at IKEA is not complete without some cute little thing that makes life easier or rather more in order. We skipped breakfast so by the time we reached IKEA, it’s nearly noon and everyone were starving. I had fish and chip (not really nice though) while the couples had the ever-famous meatballs.
After the energy level were fully recharged, without further a due, terus attack the display area. If only I have endless money supplies kan best. Everything is nice and comfy. I got what I want, a bed frame and 2-seater sofa (I bought 2) but not the matching bedside table and mattress; not in stock (I hope its not discontinued yet). I bought some plastic clips and multipurpose box in blue. IKEA only charged me RM65 for the delivery. Cheap huh! Rugi I didn’t bought mattress together coz later if I buy at normal store, they would charge me around RM100++ for 1 delivery. Haish…. All in all I spent around RM1500 that day.
On Sunday, Rehan planned to meet her sister at Seremban. I was supposed to tag along only but fate has it; I went frenzier where I bought 4 sets of Korean drama, a whole lot of undergarments, 2 pair of shoes and a handbag. Why la of all month, only in July I see nice stuff that I really want. Why can’t it be other month? If I didn’t swipe my card for that auto insurance renewal, there’s possibility I bought more than 2 shoes and few bags. Or even clothes and stuff. The funny thing for yesterday was, we kept losing our way, can’t really count the amount of u-turn we made. Kat Bangi pun boleh sesat ok.
Lepas ni kena makan pasir laaaa……. And oh my mouth hurt so much, banyak makan and banyak cakap. Ouch! Can’t wait for the furniture to arrive tomorrow. I’m gonna assemble it myself (or maybe with some help from Bang Long).

And this one in antique effect. I like the white one but it's slightly expensive than the antique ones (price diff:RM120) plus my build-in wardrobe is brown too

I want this in antique effect. Hopefully they will have it later. White one is RM189 while the antique effect is slightly cheaper at RM149 only

If not, this one in birch colour
Already got this one and the one below so match la altogether right (but I put it in other room)

awak ade la addicted to IKEA laaa...hehehhehhe...
sama la ngan syeena...Billy Book Case tu murah saje..bleh beli time tak sale nnt la kot...did u know the bedframe dapat dlm RM300++ masa ikea member's preview sale???
hehehhe...anyway, pls bg ur emel address...mau invite dlm list reader, my blog is officially restricted
Laaa ye ke Syeena. Nak kene jadi member IKEA la kalo gini.
Anyway emel add saya enyyusof78@gmail.com. Sila invite ye.
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