I decided to go home last Friday. Push-off after Maghrib, around 8pm and arrived home around midnight. Driving alone, at night some more and way past my bedtime, I had hard times to concentrate but Alhamdulillah I reach home safe and sound. Ate some mangosteen before sleep. Ayum (my youngest sibling) was not home, he went to his school camping trip. Less one people for me to usik/sakat/teased.
Didn’t do anything on Saturday beside sending Akak to school and buying some breakfast because I was hooked on TV, specifically KBS World. There’s this Korean drama, Hello God airing from 9am to 2.20pm. I even skipped breakfast and lunch too. But the drama was halfway thru with no end yet. Got to find copies of it la.
My first meal of the day was durian. Later on I had rice, my 1st in 2 weeks. Not a pleasant experience though. At night we went to night market. It was raining heavily when we reached there so just bought some food stuff and went home. Mak and the girls were baking some cakes for me but instead of helping (or at least teman tengok and borak) I went to sleep. You know what, in my 31 years of existence, never once I baked a cake whilst my mom and all my sister baked seriously delicious cakes. Cooking is not my thing but living alone changed me a bit. If not I died starving la.
I was still sleeping on Sunday morning when Abah asked me to follow him to his kebun. At first macam malas but then bila lagi right. So immediately bersiap and off we go. My breakfast was chocolate cake. Oh heaven ok.
Abah’s kebun was not like before. Semak-samun and lalang banyak. The boys used to help him before but now that they lived so far away (Eman in KL, Apis in Sg. Petani, Mamat & Taha in Sintok) with not much time to spend, the kebun was left unattended. Abah would still go there sometimes but how much can he do alone at this age with body that not as strong as before. Sedih rasa tengok kebun. If only I got lots and lots of money to spend at that kebun, surely it'll be a place for all of us to rest and relax during holidays.
Anyway, we managed to pluck a whole bunch of rambutan; not us though. Monkeys ate everything we had. So we plucked from Mak Cik Hawa’s; jiran kebun sebelah. And I managed to help Abah plant a new pokok nangka. Now I know, to plant a trees or anything, have to face kiblat, selawat and prayed that the trees would grows healthily with lots of fruits etc. No wonder everything Abah plant would be very fertile; Abah’s secret on having green hand.
Went home, rest and kemas my stuff. Abah went to pick up Ayum from his camping site. He was so tired that he didn’t even say hi to me. Terus terpengsan tido. Had my lunch and left home at 4.30pm with a bonnet full of rambutans. On my way home, I send some rambutan to my big boss and finally reached my place around 8.15pm. Back to my boring routine.
My niece, Adah. seeing my new braces, went to her mom and said; Ummi, gigi Cik Ngah pakai gelang Mi. Hence the title.
Didn’t do anything on Saturday beside sending Akak to school and buying some breakfast because I was hooked on TV, specifically KBS World. There’s this Korean drama, Hello God airing from 9am to 2.20pm. I even skipped breakfast and lunch too. But the drama was halfway thru with no end yet. Got to find copies of it la.
My first meal of the day was durian. Later on I had rice, my 1st in 2 weeks. Not a pleasant experience though. At night we went to night market. It was raining heavily when we reached there so just bought some food stuff and went home. Mak and the girls were baking some cakes for me but instead of helping (or at least teman tengok and borak) I went to sleep. You know what, in my 31 years of existence, never once I baked a cake whilst my mom and all my sister baked seriously delicious cakes. Cooking is not my thing but living alone changed me a bit. If not I died starving la.
I was still sleeping on Sunday morning when Abah asked me to follow him to his kebun. At first macam malas but then bila lagi right. So immediately bersiap and off we go. My breakfast was chocolate cake. Oh heaven ok.
Abah’s kebun was not like before. Semak-samun and lalang banyak. The boys used to help him before but now that they lived so far away (Eman in KL, Apis in Sg. Petani, Mamat & Taha in Sintok) with not much time to spend, the kebun was left unattended. Abah would still go there sometimes but how much can he do alone at this age with body that not as strong as before. Sedih rasa tengok kebun. If only I got lots and lots of money to spend at that kebun, surely it'll be a place for all of us to rest and relax during holidays.
Anyway, we managed to pluck a whole bunch of rambutan; not us though. Monkeys ate everything we had. So we plucked from Mak Cik Hawa’s; jiran kebun sebelah. And I managed to help Abah plant a new pokok nangka. Now I know, to plant a trees or anything, have to face kiblat, selawat and prayed that the trees would grows healthily with lots of fruits etc. No wonder everything Abah plant would be very fertile; Abah’s secret on having green hand.
Went home, rest and kemas my stuff. Abah went to pick up Ayum from his camping site. He was so tired that he didn’t even say hi to me. Terus terpengsan tido. Had my lunch and left home at 4.30pm with a bonnet full of rambutans. On my way home, I send some rambutan to my big boss and finally reached my place around 8.15pm. Back to my boring routine.
My niece, Adah. seeing my new braces, went to her mom and said; Ummi, gigi Cik Ngah pakai gelang Mi. Hence the title.

Believe it or not, instead of the handsome and cute guy on the right, I fell for the one on left. Bila nak dapat boyfriend Korean ni.

Abah sedang gigih memetik buah rambutanDik Man, pembantu yang setia (sebab lepas tu nak pow upah)
Well I helped too ok. Macam peladang jaya je....
Gigih merentas paya etc dengan memakai boot Abah yang besar gabak itu. Masa pegi Abah pimpin tangan tapi balik macam dah pro la kan. Di tangan itu adalah pucuk gajus yang sangat heaven di makan dengan tempoyak. Tapi tak dapat nak dimakan sepuasnya kerana besi yang menghalang kesedapan makan itu
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