I’m yearning to eat durian. Very much ok. Saw durian everywhere but I don’t know how to buy good durian (well not only durian but almost all kind of fruits). And eating durian alone is no fun. Ramai-ramai baru syok. When I called home, they kept telling me about durian, rambutan (my no.1) and all. Buat orang terliur je. And reading on durian session updates while bloghop semakin menambahkan keterliuran ok.
We (peoples at office) had planned for a durian session during weekends (after one of the driver heard of me whining to eat durian) but the plan seems to halt because everyone is busy with all kind of event, meeting and ad-hoc thing.
I’m yet to eat any fruit during this fruit season. Besides that 3pc of durian that I bought at Carrefour (and shared with Fad & Dayah), I haven’t had any. Not even my favourite fruit; rambutan.
Fruit session anyone? Jom laaaa.....
We (peoples at office) had planned for a durian session during weekends (after one of the driver heard of me whining to eat durian) but the plan seems to halt because everyone is busy with all kind of event, meeting and ad-hoc thing.
I’m yet to eat any fruit during this fruit season. Besides that 3pc of durian that I bought at Carrefour (and shared with Fad & Dayah), I haven’t had any. Not even my favourite fruit; rambutan.
Fruit session anyone? Jom laaaa.....

bolehkah ko makan? hikhik
Insya Allah. Durian kan lembut je. eh tapi tak dapat la nak makan macam biasa (suapkan durian and biji sekali pastu lurutkan ngan bibir gitu) kena asingkan isi siap2 lah kan. macam tak thrill aje.
hahaha so ko tak leh makan ngan comotnyeeeeeeeeeee
wahhh sedap2..last wik aku p kg org asli..tok batin tuh jamu durian. katanya kalu nak tau isi dalam..tengok kat kaler buah durian tuh...kalu kekuningan, kuning la isinya..huhu..kalu tak putih la isinya..sedap tak sedap tatau la plak. baru tok batin tuh ajar tgk kaler isi jer..hehe
Welcome on board. Aku add ko eh.
Pasal durian tu, kuning kat mana? Kat kulit ke? Bukan durian kaler ijau ke? Ijau kekuningan ke?
Ye aku sangat english sekarang ni tau. Tak sia-sia pegi kelas protocol. Hehehe...
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