I don’t like dates. Well at least for the first 30 years of my life. The amount of dates that successfully found their way into my mouth is less than 100 or even lesser than 50 in those 30 years. I don’t eat dates during Ramadhan let alone on other month. But sometimes I would try to eat it and when I think I can accept the taste, I’ll eat few more thus contributing to that lesser than 50pc. But it is very rare to happen and most of the time I’m just not interested at all.
However since last year Ramadhan, I have decided that I should try eating more dates for its well known goodness. My ex-boss then introduced me to 2 types of dates; Mariami and Shafawi. I can’t remember which one I bought first but I guess these were the types of dates that I like the most. I actually don’t like dates that is wetty and all. I like the dried ones.
This year, as I can’t remember which dates that I bought last year, I called my ex-boss to check. So the day before Ramadhan, I went to the pasar tani and bought 100gm of Shafawi dates which cost me RM4. It only lasted for 3 days and I bought another 250gm of it. These dates are quite expensive but since I can only tolerate this kind of dates, I guess this Ramadhan would be the first ever Ramadhan where I would spend more on dates instead of other foods.
And just like
Yanti, I don’t have any cravings this Ramadhan. Instead I who used to starve myself instead of cooking even the simplest meal like plain rice with fried egg are now cooking for my iftar meal diligently everyday. Unbelievable huh. Times change, so do I. But I guess I’m changing towards a better me right. It’s good to know that I can actually cook. Simple as it may seem but I am satisfied. I went to Pasar Ramadhan on Monday looking for more dates and yet nothing there that can make me drooling all over even after 3 rounds of looking around. I did bought some ayam percik and Bandung drinks with some red-cendol-look alike in it but both just didn’t taste right. I took only few sips of my used to be favourite drinks. It was my home made F&N Sarsi that I ever want this time.
I don’t eat too many side dishes at one go plus there’s not many that I know how to cook yet so these were my iftar meal that I cooked myself so far.
1st day; sambal sotong, sawi goreng, tempoyak and sarsi
2nd day; ayam masak kicap, sawi goreng (again) and sarsi (also again)
4th day; ikan selar masak lemak with terung, ikan selar goreng, sawi goreng (I just love sawi ok), and sarsi

5th day; the simplest ever, sambal ikan bilis and telur goreng with kicap and of course not forgetting the favourite sarsi
p/s: What to cook today huh?