Life would never be the same. Well at least for the time being. Food would never taste the same and eating is torturous ok. How come those who underwent the same treatment looked cool
Last Friday as being scheduled, I went to install (not a computer programme but) the steel bracket inside my mouth. More than 2 hours of gaping ok. I forgot to bring toothbrush and I’m in a hurry so I didn’t take any lunch before the procedure, not wanting to have food particles in my mouth for the dentist to see; decision that I regretted much later. Knowing that I’m hungry, the dentist asked to eat first but I refused. So they started the procedure by taking photos of my teeth first. Smile snap, turn to right snap, snap here snap there and then she put this appliance which made my mouth to open up widely. Took some more photos and off we go.
She applied some paste to my tooth and sprays it with some liquid. It tasted a bit salty. Using something like the battery operated toothbrush but with blue lamp tip, the assistant would then put the appliance at tooth until it’s beeped. The dentist pasted the small bracket to each tooth followed but that blue lamp appliance. I think it’s fastened the drying out process (of the glue)and bonded the bracket and the tooth tightly.
I didn’t feel anything when they did the front teeth but the last molar one was quite painful coz they removed the gaping appliance by then and the inner lips keep stucking at the newly installed bracket. I was groaning a bit and the dentist would then adjust the lip. It was quite funny ok. The last part was attaching the small steel wires. This wire is the ones that give pressure to each tooth thus pulling the teeth together.
When she was done, I tried to clamp the teeth together (like chewing) when to my horror, I realised that I can’t bite. My right maxillary and mandibular lateral incisor (
wah can be dentist you) which is actually the second front upper and lower tooth were slightly behind the other so the upper tooth stuck with the lower bracket. I have loose bite thus chewing is not possible.
I was like “
Alamak, camne saya nak makan ni doctor?” The dentist said she can’t teach me how to eat but I will soon learn to adjust myself. Haish…. not being able to chew means no solid food. I do not wish to eat porridge forever. My other option would be soaked biscuits and breads, mashed potatoes and wheat’s and oat’s cereal drink. There goes my pizza, spaghetti, burgers and of course rice with delicious side dishes.
I wanted to have the blue rubber ring (like Ugly Betty) but was told the bracket I used does not come with any ring. If not I would have beautiful blue smile. I'm blue, da be di da be da....
The first 2 day my teeth were so sensitive. I can’t even touch my teeth without excruciating in pain. The pain subsided on Sunday but the gnawing sensations remain. Sometimes when I accidentally chewed my teeth while asleep, the pain would send me awake in shock. Ouch that hurts!
It took hours to brush my teeth with 2 different brush; ortho and interdental brush. I prepared myself with the brushes, Oral Aid (for ulcers) and medicated mouthwash before I went to the clinic. The clinic then supplied me with a wax in case the brackets and the wires would interfere with my delicate inner lip and cheek.
The wires at the end would sometimes stuck into my inner cheek while eating and talking so sometimes during that time I would be seen adjusting my mouth; ops-I-got-a-wire-stucked-in-my-mouth-and-I-need-to-adjust-this so it can painful, disappointing yet funny. I’m salivating like no body business too. Slurps…slurp…hehehe….
I’m in constant hunger due to lack of food intake. The body need food but the mouth doesn’t approve it. The best dieting gadget huh. Hopefully my weight can be reduced then. I don’t how long I’m stuck with this thing but hoping for a different me; a better smile and a better weight in near future. Oh the treatment not only burns a hole in my pocket or wallet but burned the whole saving book. I’m scrapping the plan on buying LCD TV too. Sigh….
My new steel smile (I look so tembam la...)

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