What makes a man sexy? What huh? Oh actually it’s the topic on radio this morning. So, what makes a man sexy?
These are some of the guys who I think is sexy. But it’s not even the tip of an iceberg for if I put everyone who I think is sexy; I might just have to create a new blog just for them.
Sexy man on earth.

Yummilicious.... Tapi awek dia tak nak plak kat dia. Siap kena halau plak tu. Siannnn
Sexiest eyes ever. Mata dia macam berair sket.... sometimes bila dia melihat... ohhh penuh dengan perasaan. Fell in love masa tengok cerita Tristan & Isolde. Kalaulah dapat boipren macam ni....
Ni salah sorang dari boipren korea I. Sexy tang senyum dia tu.... oh tergolek-golek terkena panahan senyuman dia ni....
Need I say more? Tapi kan... dia ni gay eh? Dah hensem-hensem gay la plak.... so jangan salahkan perempuan yang kawin lambat macam I ni ok. Dah la lelaki makin pupus, yang tinggal ni ramai pulak yang gay. Adussss
But for me, what really makes a man sexy is when they cried.
Haha… err does this makes me a psycho? Tak kan lah kan. Well that’s why my friend I have been helplessly fell in love again and again with Korean actor for they cried shamelessly ok. I know it’s just an act but who cares right. Seeing men cries makes me have goose bumps all over ok. Oh my God I just can believe I’m telling you all this thing. Shhh jangan gelakkan I tau.
Oh I think a man in pain is sexy too.
Confirm psycho ke? Tak ok! But seriously, men are sexy at their weakest point, not the other way around. Stakat nak tunjuk muscular body, siap ada six pack tu, hmmm tak seksi wokeh.
Being romantic is sexy too. But why is it when there’s some guy nak beromantik-romantik dengan I, rasa macam gelilah pulak. Kenapa ek? Bila tengok dalam tv macam alahai romantiknya mamat ni. Best ni kalo ada boipren romantic macam ni. Ok I admit I tak pernah la ada boipren but that doesn’t mean langsung tak de orang nak kat I kan. Ada la jugak peminat sket-sket masa muda-muda dulu. Bila diorang ni lelebih rasa macam geli la plak. Giloss ke apa I ni.
Man who treated kid with love pun sexy to me.
Especially those yang tidak segan silu untuk menunjukkan kasih-sayang diorang pada kanak-kanak tu. Not the show-off kind of guy. Yang tu nyampah la plak.
Being sexy is very subjective. Hard for me to choose a criteria that is deem sexy for a man coz everyone differ. Maybe when a guy cries, he looks sexy but when another guy plak rasa macam…. ek eleh… lemahnya mamat ni. Tu pun nak nangis-nangis. Well being a complicated me does not help at all.
So what makes a man sexy to you?