Then came the big day. Wake up very early and went straight to the kitchen. There’s ketupat and lemang that needs to be cut, the rendang and kuah kacang need to be heated and transfer into the bowl, drinks need to be made and endless stuff to do. As usual ladies will be busy preparing stuff for breakfast and other things while guys will get busy preparing for the prayer. There’s only one bathroom so the queue would take some time.
When the guys were gone to the mosque, the ladies would take turns for shower and get ready. My baju raya was not ready yet so just wear the ones that I haven’t wear yet. This raya, it was Mak who bought my baju raya. For the first time, Mak, Siti, Akak and me will have a same theme for baju raya. It’s purple thus adding on to my purple collection for this year alone.
When the guys came home, everyone was getting ready for the bersalam session. Since Bang Long didn’t join us this time so I’m the eldest and would be the 1st in line. When I was much younger, I didn’t like this bersalam thingy. I would wait till much later and there’s nobody around then only I would bersalam with Mak and it would be a very quick one. As time changed, I’ve changed too. I would look forward into this bersalam session. Holding Mak and Abah hand, looking into their eyes and asking for forgiveness for my sins towards them would really make me feel genuinely remorseful and regretting whatever things that I did towards them. Normally I would become sebak while uttering those words and my tears would flow naturally. A kiss on the cheek would wrap-up the event.
My tears have been teased before but this year there’s something much bigger than that. Everyone after me went through the bersalam session and everything went smoothly until Akak turns. Actually right after I finished my turns, I saw Akak cries. Maybe seeing all this stuff touched her fragile heart. I would cries seeing other people cries too. But then when she went to Abah for her turns, her cries became uncontrollable. She cried and sobbed besides Abah. I cried seeing her but in between that I would laugh and teased her too; so does everyone else. It went on for so long that Ayum have to cut off Akak turn. We waited quite a long time for Akak to subdued but apparently she didn’t.
Mak : Ha tu lah Akak… bila Mak ngan Abah cakap Akak suka bentak-bentak. Bila suruh apa-apa mesti nak hentak-hentak kaki. Kan dah susah nak mintak maaf.
Mak tries to console Akak for I know Mak was touched too; I could see it from her face. Akak; despite being a bit rebellious but she’s very close with Mak. In fact Akak still sleep with Mak even though she’s 14 and she had special bedding stuff matches with Mak’s bed. Abah too tried to console Akak.
Abah : Cepat lah Akak..... Akak ... ooo Akak.... Cepat lah Akak. Abah dah lapar ni.
We all too keep pushing Akak to go on with the bersalam thingy but her cries became unstoppable thus we continue with our breakfast. Up till now Akak didn’t ask for forgiveness from Mak and Abah. But I know she felt remorseful towards all her action thus she can’t utter the words. I felt for her too for I’ve been there before. For the time being, this incident has become the issue to tease Akak.
When the guys were gone to the mosque, the ladies would take turns for shower and get ready. My baju raya was not ready yet so just wear the ones that I haven’t wear yet. This raya, it was Mak who bought my baju raya. For the first time, Mak, Siti, Akak and me will have a same theme for baju raya. It’s purple thus adding on to my purple collection for this year alone.
When the guys came home, everyone was getting ready for the bersalam session. Since Bang Long didn’t join us this time so I’m the eldest and would be the 1st in line. When I was much younger, I didn’t like this bersalam thingy. I would wait till much later and there’s nobody around then only I would bersalam with Mak and it would be a very quick one. As time changed, I’ve changed too. I would look forward into this bersalam session. Holding Mak and Abah hand, looking into their eyes and asking for forgiveness for my sins towards them would really make me feel genuinely remorseful and regretting whatever things that I did towards them. Normally I would become sebak while uttering those words and my tears would flow naturally. A kiss on the cheek would wrap-up the event.
My tears have been teased before but this year there’s something much bigger than that. Everyone after me went through the bersalam session and everything went smoothly until Akak turns. Actually right after I finished my turns, I saw Akak cries. Maybe seeing all this stuff touched her fragile heart. I would cries seeing other people cries too. But then when she went to Abah for her turns, her cries became uncontrollable. She cried and sobbed besides Abah. I cried seeing her but in between that I would laugh and teased her too; so does everyone else. It went on for so long that Ayum have to cut off Akak turn. We waited quite a long time for Akak to subdued but apparently she didn’t.
Mak : Ha tu lah Akak… bila Mak ngan Abah cakap Akak suka bentak-bentak. Bila suruh apa-apa mesti nak hentak-hentak kaki. Kan dah susah nak mintak maaf.
Mak tries to console Akak for I know Mak was touched too; I could see it from her face. Akak; despite being a bit rebellious but she’s very close with Mak. In fact Akak still sleep with Mak even though she’s 14 and she had special bedding stuff matches with Mak’s bed. Abah too tried to console Akak.
Abah : Cepat lah Akak..... Akak ... ooo Akak.... Cepat lah Akak. Abah dah lapar ni.
We all too keep pushing Akak to go on with the bersalam thingy but her cries became unstoppable thus we continue with our breakfast. Up till now Akak didn’t ask for forgiveness from Mak and Abah. But I know she felt remorseful towards all her action thus she can’t utter the words. I felt for her too for I’ve been there before. For the time being, this incident has become the issue to tease Akak.

Getting ready untuk ke masjid

Like father like son; Ayum berserban di pagi raya macam Abah

Mak & Abah and yours truly sedang bersalam memohon maaf and passing the duit raya

Except for Akak yang tak henti-henti menangis

All of us except Bang Long yang tak balik raya and Hayat's family yang tak sampai lagi

Nenek and Atok bersama cucu-cucunya

Epoi's family (mind you he's my younger bro ok)

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