Although I do have FB account, I’ve never put any updates on it like I did with my blog. I don’t fancy FB anyway. It was just a mere platform for me to trace my long lost friend. And yes I do get many friend requests from my long lost friend. Someone whom I haven’t heard anything for like zillion years ago. I don’t have problem to approve this kind of friend request. However, I do have problem to approve request from people using nicknames or from people that I can’t register their name yet in my memory. I’ve been to many school, places and stuff so I do have tonnes of friend. Although I am proud to say that I have good memories especially in regards of peoples but sometimes my memories fails to serve me well too. I am honoured that these peoples wanted me to be their friend. So if finally I remember them as someone, whom I have connection with before, I’ll approve it. But since I hardly log into my FB, it’ll takes sometimes la. As for those with nicknames, if I feel like doing it, I’ll check their FB just to know if I know these peoples. That too requires time. Times that I hardly have. Hehehe….. Macam sibuk benar bunyinya. If we were friends before, then I'll approve it.
But I don’t feel like approving peoples whom is not really a friend of me. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I am sombong or berlagak or anything. Just that I don’t understand why these peoples want to be my friend. Just because I was on their friend friend’s list, they wanted to add me too. Come on la, I don’t write anything on my FB so I don’t think these peoples wanted to read my story pun right. So what’s the point of adding me? Ish tak paham la. If in real world, I don’t have problems to befriend my friend’s friend. Betul tak Kylnn? Tapi in FB…. nah I just can’t.
Blogging is a different story coz in blog we can read all kind of stories. It’s not a short updates on what you do or what you feel but more on stories of what you do or what you feel. Betul tak? So even if we don’t really know that particular people in real world, we can still connect through blog world.
Was it me alone that feels like this? Maybe I think too much kot. Ntah la. But still, I won’t approve this kind of friend request. Period. Even if it came from a Korean guy. Eh betul tau. Although I am crazy over Korean guy, and I have one friend request from a Korean guy in which I’m still wondering where, or how he found me or why he’s adding me, I still won’t add him. Tapi kalau Rain tu lain la. Real Rain ye, bukan imitator. Hehehe…..

Korean guy.. heheh kalu ko temu jodoh dgn org korea pastu wat wedding kat sana.. jemput aku tauu.. tapi kalu wat kat korea arr..
Insya Allah (sambil senyum tersipu-sipu) Hahaha.... ada ke orang korea nak aku ni weh. Tapi kalo ada, mesti aku ajak korang semua datang. Tapi tiket sila support sendiri la ye. Aku ni keluarga besar, mau kena chartered satu flight nak ke sana. Tapi kalau kawin ngan Rain, bukan setakat satu flight, 5 6 flight pun boleh. Pastu bleh la ko g sana free. Tak gitu? Siap bleh bawak anak-anak sekali. Oh sedapnya berangan....
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