Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have enough of it

Since the spread of the news, peoples kept asking me the same question over and over again it got to the point that it really annoyed me. I know these peoples just trying to be nice but come on la, there’s so much more than buying some special dress for it. So this morning, when one staff asked that same question again, I blurted my annoyance with the question. I didn’t mean it but I guess it might offend her. My bad but please, life is not revolve around new dresses only. Well at least to me.

Ok I will wear my new baju kurung if it’ll please you guys. In fact I have few that I haven’t worn yet. Well make it 5 to be more exact. But even if I don’t have new dress to wear, I won’t buy new one just because of that special occasion. If you all noticed, even at weddings or any event that I went, I wore the same baju kurung that I wear to work. I’m not into having new dresses for special occasion type. Ok maybe not yet. But still, it’s my prerogative to choose what to wear, right?

Ok maybe I’m just too emotional on this. But seriously, to be asked the same question many times a day for many days in a row can bring down the patience of even the most patience people. I don’t know about you guys but I am. So please, stop asking me on buying new dress ok. Thank you.

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