Yesterday I had my first iftar outside. It was the official ministry event hosted by INFRA. The event went ok to others but not ok us, the secretariat. Reason being we had our proper meal around 9pm ok. You just can’t imagine how hungry I am then because I only had wheat crackers and dates for sahur. Hungry and sad; empty stomach can really upset my emotion ok.
All the tables were fully occupied so right when they say the azan we went out to the caterers table and just grab few foods there. I had 2pc of dates, few sips of orange juice, 2pc of strawberries and 2pc of popia. Yup we had our iftar standing, with caterer’s staff walking in between busy serving the food and in darkness. Well it was my first time having strawberries for iftar too. A sour juice, a sour berries and an empty stomach. What a great combination huh.
Normally at home I would take dates and plain water and performing my Maghrib prayer first before having the proper meal. So yesterday after taking all the above mention food, I went straight to the prayer hall as with everyone else. After the Maghrib prayer, everyone went back to the hall and proceed with the main course while us the secretariat were forced to stand and wait outside. Huhu… so sad.
We had our meals later when no one else left in the hall; everyone went to perform the isya’ and terawih prayer. And mind you, we had the leftovers only ok. Well to be honest that’s the way things goes all this while; of us having leftovers or no food at all but facing the same thing during Ramadhan is a bit saddening ok. Luckily we had our big boss together so it’s kind of ok la. He ate leftovers like us too so I should just stop whining. The daging salai masak lemak was superb. Unfortunately that’s the only thing I can eat for it’s quite late and my tummy is kind of bloated and gassy already.
They had moreh after terawih and again we had to wait outside waiting for them to finish. By the time they finished the late night gossiping, it was nearly 11pm. I don’t have energy to take the moreh (again leftovers only) although it’s looked quite tempting. We left INFRA at 11pm. Went home, take quick shower, perform my isya’ and terawih prayer and off to lala land. What a day….
I would rather had my iftar alone rather facing the same thing like yesterday but I guess until I leave this department, I would just have to bear with it for years to come. Sigh…. Well at least it happens once a year only and it’ll be one good sweet memory to cherish in my later years. And luckily I have a bunch of colleagues that are fun to hang with. Thanks you all with all kind of silly jokes and the never ending stories.
I guess instead of pitying myself, I should just be very grateful that I still have food to eat. Imagine those without. Pity them huh. What I went thru is nothing compared to those deprived of all the basic necessities especially foods. Let just look at this thing positively.
Oh I didn’t have photos to share for the camera went dead yesterday. Blame the owner who’s so lazy to plug in the charger. Ehem…
All the tables were fully occupied so right when they say the azan we went out to the caterers table and just grab few foods there. I had 2pc of dates, few sips of orange juice, 2pc of strawberries and 2pc of popia. Yup we had our iftar standing, with caterer’s staff walking in between busy serving the food and in darkness. Well it was my first time having strawberries for iftar too. A sour juice, a sour berries and an empty stomach. What a great combination huh.
Normally at home I would take dates and plain water and performing my Maghrib prayer first before having the proper meal. So yesterday after taking all the above mention food, I went straight to the prayer hall as with everyone else. After the Maghrib prayer, everyone went back to the hall and proceed with the main course while us the secretariat were forced to stand and wait outside. Huhu… so sad.
We had our meals later when no one else left in the hall; everyone went to perform the isya’ and terawih prayer. And mind you, we had the leftovers only ok. Well to be honest that’s the way things goes all this while; of us having leftovers or no food at all but facing the same thing during Ramadhan is a bit saddening ok. Luckily we had our big boss together so it’s kind of ok la. He ate leftovers like us too so I should just stop whining. The daging salai masak lemak was superb. Unfortunately that’s the only thing I can eat for it’s quite late and my tummy is kind of bloated and gassy already.
They had moreh after terawih and again we had to wait outside waiting for them to finish. By the time they finished the late night gossiping, it was nearly 11pm. I don’t have energy to take the moreh (again leftovers only) although it’s looked quite tempting. We left INFRA at 11pm. Went home, take quick shower, perform my isya’ and terawih prayer and off to lala land. What a day….
I would rather had my iftar alone rather facing the same thing like yesterday but I guess until I leave this department, I would just have to bear with it for years to come. Sigh…. Well at least it happens once a year only and it’ll be one good sweet memory to cherish in my later years. And luckily I have a bunch of colleagues that are fun to hang with. Thanks you all with all kind of silly jokes and the never ending stories.
I guess instead of pitying myself, I should just be very grateful that I still have food to eat. Imagine those without. Pity them huh. What I went thru is nothing compared to those deprived of all the basic necessities especially foods. Let just look at this thing positively.
Oh I didn’t have photos to share for the camera went dead yesterday. Blame the owner who’s so lazy to plug in the charger. Ehem…

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