As you all might already notice, I tried not to have my iftar outside (well except for that one time and it was due to work) and so far I’ve managed to stay focus. Cewah. Well until I became bored having rice for weeks. I had this craving for western foods but I still preferred a home cooked ones. So that’s how I ended hosting another iftar session at my place last Sunday with western theme.
Of 8 friends I invited, 6 managed to come; Yusri got some last minute stuff whilst Fadhley was stuck in KL. Settled the invitation part, moved to the food part. I’ll cook spaghetti, Sal offered to bring KFC, Lin with nuggets and prawn dumplings whilst Rehan and Wan shared the Secret Recipe cakes. Since En. Afnan didn’t know what to bring, I asked him to just buy some fries and wedges and cook it at my place. Nora was so sweet. He offered to bring tepung pelita (I’ve been whining to eat tepung pelita few times already to him) but since the theme was western food, I just have to say no so he bring orange juice instead.
As usual, while I was busy at work, those people entertained themselves with having a photo shoot session all around the house. Once I’m done, En. Afnan took over the kitchen. He helped to fry the dumplings, nugget and fries and even managed to prepare the drinks as well; orange juice and his favourite sarsi.
To kill time, we played few rounds of congkak game, took more photos and some one was caught reading as well. I’ve noticed that every one who came to my house would read the magazine; be it my family member or my friends. One of the wonder of not having a TV. Good what, increase knowledge and bonded more (with games and stuff). Hehehe….
I should do this more often. Anyway, enjoy the photos….
Of 8 friends I invited, 6 managed to come; Yusri got some last minute stuff whilst Fadhley was stuck in KL. Settled the invitation part, moved to the food part. I’ll cook spaghetti, Sal offered to bring KFC, Lin with nuggets and prawn dumplings whilst Rehan and Wan shared the Secret Recipe cakes. Since En. Afnan didn’t know what to bring, I asked him to just buy some fries and wedges and cook it at my place. Nora was so sweet. He offered to bring tepung pelita (I’ve been whining to eat tepung pelita few times already to him) but since the theme was western food, I just have to say no so he bring orange juice instead.
As usual, while I was busy at work, those people entertained themselves with having a photo shoot session all around the house. Once I’m done, En. Afnan took over the kitchen. He helped to fry the dumplings, nugget and fries and even managed to prepare the drinks as well; orange juice and his favourite sarsi.
To kill time, we played few rounds of congkak game, took more photos and some one was caught reading as well. I’ve noticed that every one who came to my house would read the magazine; be it my family member or my friends. One of the wonder of not having a TV. Good what, increase knowledge and bonded more (with games and stuff). Hehehe….
I should do this more often. Anyway, enjoy the photos….

heiii..hanya 4 keping sajer gambar si photographer cilik..?? kesian daku..hukhuk.. nway.. im enjoy having iftar with u guys!!!! :D
Eh ye ke? 6 la. Hehehe... excited letak gambar aku bebanyak sebab last time tak dak.
Aku pun sampai pening nak pilih. Sorilah ek. Nanti lenkali aku boh bebanyak gambar ko.
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