I know I have said earlier that I won't be doing so much of shopping this month for I've overspend my money buying all kind of stuff last month kan. But what can I do when the temptation is too great and I just can't think straight when it involves IKEA and gadget. Last week we (me and mi familia) went to IKEA and besides all those small regular stuff of jar, plastic ware and what not, I bought another rack for my kitchen. So now the small kitchen is getting smaller. Hehehe....
And today I went to Low Yat Plaza with Bang Long and Eman. I'm like a kid in a candy store at IKEA and Low Yat ok. If only I can buy anything I want. Anyway, guess what I bought today? A new phone? Nope. A camera? Nope. External hard disc? Nope. Thumb drive? Nope. Ok...ok.... I'll save you from the misery. I.....errr...errr.... I bought a notebook and netbook. Hehehe.... I know...I know... I sounded like a gadget freak or those IT nerds aje kan. I can't help myself la.
But don't worry, that notebook is not mine though. Bought if for Siti. My Asus F9E is way too expensive to be replaced just yet. I just need something smaller that I can carry everywhere especially during outstation work. So I bought another Asus and this time it's the Eee PC Seashell range. The only netbook with Atom Dual Core processor, 2GB DDR3 RAM and 320GB HDD. Syoknyeeeee........ However it came with Window 7 Starter only. Hopefully I can upgrade it at least to Basic or Home. I so wish to have the purple colour one but they don't have it so another black one for me. If only I got the purple colour, it'll be the perfect ones lah. I promised I will love and cherish my new Eee PC Seashell. As for the F9E, got to do some major upgrading in order for it to perform better. Still love it though even with it's slowness and all.
For lunch, we went to Sushi King. So I'm not a sushi-virgin anymore. I didn't know what to eat so leave it to Bang Long to order everything. Keep saying, "eeee takutnya....eeeee takutnya.....". Hahaha.... I can still remember that weird taste of green seaweed thing I ate here. Kind of worried jugak lah. There sure won't be any toilet nearby nor a toothbrush if only it happen again right. Thank God everything went well. The seaweed didn't taste that bad after all. I just had difficulty with the raw salmon. Almost gag myself munching it. Raw salmon is kind of slimey aje. Eeeeee...... The best would be the one with prawn on it.
Later we went to KL Plaza (if I'm not mistaken). Bang Long wanted to show us the Uni Qlo shop. He bought a sweater there and everyone loves it, me included. Unfortunately the M size is way to big for me (it's a man sweater) so we went to ladies section and I fell in love with it's hooded sweater; grey with purple polka dots. Bang Long said polka dot is so 80's . Tsk! So I try almost every design and finally bought the one in black and white that was suggested and approved by both men. Right after we went out from the shop, Eman said "tahun ni kutipan cukai negara akan jadi 100 billion sebab adanya orang-orang macam kau ni". Hahaha..... Perli lah tu. My siblings ni memang semua sarcastic. With them hati kena kering sikit. Occasionally I would still sulk la but most of the time, just ignore or fight back. Hehe.... I am such in a great mood today so I just laugh.
So there goes my Saturday. Went out very early in the morning so didn't manage to do any house chores today. As for tomorrow, we're going to wash this house. During weekdays can't wait for weekend to cover back my lack of sleeping but even during weekend, I can't wake up that late ok. Busy weh. Hehehe..... Ok nak check my new baby jap. Hopefully everyone had a great day like mine too.

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