I don't understand why;
- people would still come and read this blog even when they obviously don't like me nor the content here
- people care too much with whom I spend my time with and who my friend are; it's my right to write or not to write my friends name in here right?
- people would still view me negatively no matter how pure my intention is
Ok maybe I shouldn't reveal too much. Everything I wrote here is taken negatively by some peoples. I have enough of being misunderstood. I don't care anymore. Suit yourself. Interpret according to whatever you want. I don't owe anyone any explanation. I can't satisfy everyone kan. I care those who cares and not those who not.
We did try to clear stuff regarding the misunderstanding but I guess it's not 100% cleared. Enough la. Couldn't see my friend cry anymore. Oooopsss terbagi tau pulak. Hahaha..... We didn't even started on it yet when she cried. When I cried during Kak Mah last day, she said she's not easily touched with stuff like this but when facing this kind of situation, she's the first to cry. I was touched then but now it's kind of funny pulak. Boleh jadi modal mengusik ni. Hahaha.... At least she was tough during the session.
I seriously don't think whatever was on the mind of whoever involved in this will changed; the perception and all. So there's no point in pursuing anymore. No point to defend ourself if the perception is already there; stuck in the mind. At least the fella said sorry. Whether the fella really mean it or not is not for me nor my friend to judge. Let it be between the fella and the Almighty.
So the case end here.

biarkan sajer eny org nak mengata..ko kutip jer pahal yang dorg sedekah kat ko..
Itu lah... lepas ni aku nak biar aje. Lantak la apa orang nak kata pun. Hidup aku bukan revolve around diorang aje.
Sila jgn buang masa dan kebijaksanaan kau ke atas isu serta manusia seperti ini.
Its a waste of time.
Thanks for that. I will. Lepas ni I simply don't care anymore.
juz say like this "ada aku kisah kalo korang x suka?" hahaha.... kita mmg xkan mampu puaskan hati sume org. X salah kalo jaga hati org tp hati kita sendiri ada sapa2 ke nak jaga. So, don't care anymore.
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