Ehem..ehem... I'm typing this entry using my new cutie pie Eee PC. Hehehe.... Everything is smaller but so far it is better than the F9E in terms of speed. I've downloaded few stuff and hopefully it'll be a smooth ride with this cutie pie.
Anyway, today as planned we went to clean the already sold house. I was reminiscing the the good old times while sweeping and it makes me a bit emotional. Sedih la pulak. We keep saying, "ingat tak .....". I can still remember every furniture and it's exact position although we left the house almost 25 years ago.
"Ingat tak dulu kita main tarik tilam kat tangga ni? Best je masa tu kan. Kalau sekarang terhentak-hentak macam tu mau tak bangun seminggu. Hahaha..."
"Ingat tak dulu kat lantai ni lah kita main luncur-luncur guna air sabun?"
"Ingat tak masa Apis kena hempap dengan dapur kat sini?"
Ingat takdulu kita tidur kat sini pastu orang nangis-nangis dengar Mak cerita?"
"Kat sini la dulu meja tempat Bang Long lukis-lukis....."
Eman keep asking me to took photos coz obviously it'll be our last time there. We'll handed it over to it's new owner this Thursday. But I was so not in photo-taking mood although I already planned that earlier. Entah la kenapa. Sekarang rasa menyesal la pulak. Left the house around noon.
After lunch we went to this biker shop; Eman wanted to buy a new rain coat and some riding gears. There's this cute little girl and she kind of attracted to me. Hahaha..... such a rare occasion ok. She is so cute thanks to her mixed blood; Mexican-Chinese. We played around whilst waiting for Bang Long and Eman to browse and buy. She can speak Malay ok. Geraaaam aje with her. Soooo cute. Didn't take take her photo though even after being asked by Eman. I guess I've lost the craze due to Picasa storage capacity. Still haven't manage to upgrade my storage.
Anyway, Eman said it's a sign. A sign that I should be a mother soon. Iyo lah tu. Hahaha.... But the girl is sure pretty cute ones. Boleh jadi model la. Normally kids and me won't be that friendly easily. Not only kids la, adult pun sama. I guess it's really depends la. In this case, it was the girl who keep approaching me. So I layan kan aje.
Later we went to meet Siti to pass the new notebook. Seronok la tu dapat notebook baru. Kind of worried jugak actually sebab laptop ni kan hot target. Thalha punya pun dah kena kebas. Hopefully she'll take a good care of it lah.
I had a pretty good days with Bang Long and Eman. They are really good shopping companion. Cuma kena tahan sikit la with their sarcasm. Hehehe....
Alamak esok the big day. Tak sabar tapi macam risau. Mudah-mudahan tiadalah berita yang mengejutkan. Amin....

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