One whole day was spent at my cousin Lina house for aqiqah and cukur jambul of her new daughter; Zaara Qistina, birthday party for Pak Ngah (her dad) and her other daughter; Mya Qistina and also Pak Ngah retirement and house warming for her new house at Serenia Garden, Ukay Perdana (what a nice place). All event bundled up in one day so its kind of meriah. Due to that, I missed another important event; a friends wedding; Um and Mila.
Dear Um and Mila, congratulation on your wedding. Praying for a smooth journey in your new life as husband and wife. Sorry for not able to make it. Sebak tengok gambar Um dekat FB. If I was there, tak tau la camne. Entah-entah lebih teruk dari gengs kot. Hehehe.... Semoga majlis esok berjalan dengan lancar. Paling utama, acceptance by you know who. Kan Um and Mila kan. I'll pray for both of you.
Anyway, I had very full tummy today. Stuffing myself with all the good foods. One thing I like about event hosted by Lina (or her parents) is the arrangements of everything. Cantik ok. The dais for baby Zaara adalah sangat cantik. So does everything else. Kalau rajin nanti I upload the pic. Bang Long was the cameraman but I didn't take any from him. Too many foods make my eyes kind of heavy aje. Very sleepy then but can't sleep la kan. Seeing me sleepy, my cousin brother keep teasing me regarding the cross country thingy. Hehehe.... Sabar je la.
I spent my whole time there either stuffing foods into my mouth or playing with kids. Lately kids kind of attracted to me. But its kind of tires me off. They didn't give me chance to rest langsung. We played with the balloons, bubbles, cards etc. And as always, the bracket in my mouth would be the main tarikan. Wah tarikan tu.... tak tahan....
Tomorrow besides cleaning the house before leaving for Kuantan, I nak siapkan my report. I already applied for leave next week but I'll be doing the report during the so called leave. Bosan ah. Nak cuti pun tak senang. Hehehe.....
Ok lah, happy holiday everyone!

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