It's only 7.10am and I'm already exhausted; mentally and physically. Didn't sleep at all last night; not even for a second ok. So this morning I'm kind of zombie like. Headache, tummy not feeling good and feel a bit nauseous. Something is going on and I've been thinking about it every second. Hate it and hate people who make me feel this way.
How I missed the good old times where Abah would picked me from work and all the way home we would talk. Mostly about stuff at work. I'm sucks in handling people and Abah would give me all kind of advice and stuff to do to be a good manager; especially in managing people. After all his great advice, I guess I'm still the same; still sucks in managing people. Maybe I've been too soft on people and let then pijak my head. Maybe it's about time for me to be more vocal instead of keeping quiet and bottled everything. I have enough of all this nonsense. It's time to react.
I hate confrontation because I know I'm not good at it. I would prefer shutting my mouth and just ignore. I don't mess with people so don't mess with me. But I guess to some peoples, they won't be satissfy with me ignoring everything. They need some reaction or emotion kot. So let play it according to their way pulak. You want me to talk? So I'll talk.
I know people will hate me more but they have no one to blame but themselves. Who asked them to wake the sleeping tiger kan. You've asked for it so don't blame me for whatever reaction I might show after this. Like I said, I have enough. There's limit for my patient and someone crossed it recently. So let show some emotion here.
Let the new game begin.

i about work mostly with my dad too.. about people. about papers that i have to write. about bosses. but ayah aku dah takde.. and benda tulah paling aku miss.
you can still call your dad, eny. so call. talk to him, maybe he can help and you can sleep.
stop dwelling on things that hurt you but concentrate on those that make you feel loved..
Thanks buddy. U're a gem. A true friend is hard to find this day.
Those things we took for granted before kan.... (that came with living with your parents)
Peperangan apakah ini?? How come i missed the boat?
Its a very long story. Amarah yang terpendam.
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