I definitely have no idea what I've gotten myself into when I registered for this event. Yesterday a teammate posted on FB about the route. And another teammate instructed us to wear old shoes coz it'll be very dirty then. Alamak..... that sounds scary to me.
So this morning we (Taufik, Edwin, Leen, Ana and me) met at our usual port around 6.45am and car pooled from there. Later we were joined with Rizmi and Abg Ghani. Taufik parked his car quite far from the event venue. The walk would be some kind of warming up la konon-kononnya. I was contemplating whether to run or not during the warming up walk and especially when listening to the instruction regarding the route. I have never been this worried about running. Tapi dah alang-alang sangat to chicken out pun. So teruskan jugak lah.
For my category, starting time was at 7.55am. Start off with hilly track. Adoi!!! Later into some sort of jungle and was stuck at the trail. Traffic jam ok. Haha. Got few steep and slippery track. Out from the jungle into jogging track and up to grassy hill. Quite steep again. And then the steps and it ended somewhere around Tugu Negara. On the road again, up and down and later into the Lake Garden with the steepest hill ever. I can't feel my leg anymore but when asked, the secretariat said another halfway to go. Half? Oh My God.....
Although I kind of like the view along the route, but almost half of the time I was questioning myself. Why am I doing this? What have I put myself into? It's only 8.30am; others are still sleeping and here I am panting like nobody business. Why? Why? Why? Hahaha... Psycho like that. But at least I didn't think about the freaky emotional incident that was on my mind 24/7. It's all about the run only. Oh no not another hill. I can't feel my leg. How far away? I so need a 100 plus right now. Oh no.... my new socks. Why am I wearing a new socks? Bla...bla...bla.... Things you do just to keep pushing yourself and not focusing too much on the pain and stuff kan.
Finally I reached the finishing line around 9.30am. Yup it took me one and a half hour to finish the 6.2km distance. Definitely the longest and toughest run ever. I will never ever do cross country ever again. Macam nak mati ok. I was the last from the team. As usual la kan. Hehehe..... But at least I finished it and manage to run halfway. But seriously, I will never try cross country ever again. I'll stick to fun run.
I am so tired and aching everywhere. Had my lunch around 4pm and yet couldn't finish it. Too exhausted that I lost my appetite. How la to go to work tomorrow. Hehehe..... Sendiri cari pasalkan. I think I'm getting a bit weaker la. Kind of tak larat aje nak lari and when I run, I felt a little bit dizzy. Maybe it's due to that stressing thought. But today is better coz I don't think about that when I run. Once I've settled it hopefully things will get back to normal. Get back my sleep, and focus on everything else. Praying for the best. Amin.

aku sungguh entertained baca entry kau kali ni.. macam boleh bayang kalau aku.. mesti asking the same question.. heheh.
tapi mesti best kan dah habis...
Itulah dalam kepala masa tu mcm2 ok. Tapi lega sangat bila habis. Dalam pada rasa nak mati tu, the last few hundred metre tu siap lari laju lagi. Hahaha.....
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