As usual Eny and Mr. Google memang tak dapat dipisahkan. Hehehe.... Sayang Mr. Google ni tau. I ni kan selalu je curious. Semua benda nak tau. Dengan adanya Mr. Google tersayang ni, curiosity-curiosity itu ada la jawapannya. Senang hidup eh. Tekan-tekan dah dapat jawapan.
Anyway, tarik mengkarung (as what some people called it) or toe cramp berlaku atas beberapa sebab seperti berikut:-
- Ill fitting shoes - Tight dressy shoes especially heels. Women shoes often converge to a point, squeezing out the toes. Oh patutlah. Lepas ni kena cari kasut yang tidak begitu pointed.
- Exercise - Oh I tidaklah selalu exercise. Running pun occasionally bila ada event aje. But point noted. Next time bila nak running kena make sure ada sufficient warming up session.
- Calcium deficiency - Hah yang ni memang kena do something about it. I am seriously lacking in calcium intake. Although I love everything dairy but I don't consume milk as much as I should. So lepas ni kena make sure minum susu setiap hari. Will try.
- Drugs - Ok yang ni memang nehi nehi babuju nehi. I clean ok. Ubat-ubatan pun I tak makan inikan pure drugs.
- Poor blood circulation - Ok yang ini pun kena do something about it. Blood circulation adalah master kepada kesihatan atau kesakitan. Will read more on this.
Ok itu tadi sebab. Ni pulak cara untuk mengurangkan kesakitan atau risiko berulangnya cramp.
- Take off your shoes to allow proper blood circulation in your toes. Walk out the toe cramp. Walking around increases blood flow to the foot area and relaxes the cramped muscle.
- Massage the cramped toe. Use your hands to gently bend the toe and massage the surrounding areas. A massage releases tension in the muscles and increases necessary blood flow to the area.
- Soak the foot in warm water to relax the muscles. This is especially helpful to ease toe cramps that are caused by exercise.
- Prevent future toe cramps by wearing comfortable, proper fitting shoes and not overexerting the feet during exercise.
- Exercise and stretch your toes to strengthen foot muscles, which reduces the likelihood of future toe cramps. A good toe exercise is to pick up small objects with your toes. Discontinue the exercise if it causes toe cramping, pain or numbness. If you have a medical condition, consult with a doctor before beginning toe exercises.
- Eat a balanced diet to provide the body with the necessary nutrients for proper muscle function.
Silalah berjumpa dan mendapatkan nasihat doktor to rule out any medical condition if you get toe cramp too often (macam I la tu). Walaupun toe cramp ni tidak lah melambangkan sebarang penyakit serious but it can be a sign of diabetis or neurological problem. Alamak diabetis. Takutnya. Selain cramp, I pun senang aje kebas or numb ni. Ok nanti I tanya Mr. Google kesayangan pasal numbness pulak eh. Till then, rajin-rajinlah minum susu untuk kesihatan ok.

opsss..aku pun slalu berguna utk aku nie...
Hah lepas ni meh kita sama-sama massage kaki kita. Hehehe....
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