I don't think I can be a teacher la (not that I intend to be one pun). Mainly because the problem I have with my tear ducts. I can't look at people crying without having teary eyes myself. Gila emosi I ni. Ok why teacher and not other job? Maybe because I kept seeing students crying so I can't picture myself consoling the student without me crying too. How to be a teacher if you can't control your emotion kan.
When I read newspaper on exam result news, I feel a heavy lump inside me already. Rasa sebak semacam especially if those who got excellent results came from not-well-to-do family. Then watch news and saw these students crying and hugging the teacher. Lagi lah sebak. There's plenty of students ok. Bengkak la mata I nanti if I am their teacher kan.
Last night watching the news on new school session and those new primary one students. Banyak ok yang menangis. Meraung-raung pun ada. How la to deal with those kids. My heart goes to those who cried in silent. Sedih gila ok. Meleleh-leleh je air mata. I cannot tahan la. Kalau I jadi teacher kat depan tu, nanti parents pelik pulak tengok teacher anak diorang dok kesat-kesat mata.
And there were those who keep hugging the parents. I can't imagine having to deal with this la. How la when I'm having my own kids nanti ni. Nanti bukan anak yang nangis but mak yang over sedih hantar anak sekolah. Tsk!
I'm a garang one. No doubt about that. Temperature cepat aje naik. But in the same time I can't see people crying. My tear duct will automatically produce tears too. Hish emosi sungguh. Sometimes I'm the one who overly touched. Orang yang sepatutnya sedih tak pape pun. Selalu macam ni tau. Dah nama pun minah over kan. Hehehe.....
I don't easily cry for matters involving myself. Wah konon-konon tough la tu. But it's true. I try not to cry over something related to me sebab I feel like a weak person aje if I do that. But not that I tak pernah nangis la. Pernah aje and then rasa macam silly sangat. Lemah ke apa dia ni. The worst time I cried becaused of myself was when undergoing army module at PULADA. Kept crying and crying and it makes me feel so down. Dah la menangis depan ramai orang. Cetttt....
But seeing other people crying is a different story. Dan dan tu emosi kesedihan melanda. That explain why I easily cried over some movies or novels. Last time I cried was while watching the finale of alahai lupa pulak cerita tu. The one on designing clothes tu la. Actually I'm not into that pun and I definately don't like the winner. I'm voting for Carol Hannah but she didn't win. Anyway, when the father of the winner cried, I found myself crying too. Entah apa-apa aje. So silly kan.
So I guess being a teacher will exposed me with too many crying peoples. Bahaya. Oh being a doctor too. In fact itu lagi sedih especially when dealing with death. Oooo no wonder I didn't become a doctor kan. Allah knows me too well. Takut nanti I kena tekanan perasaan pulak tengok orang meninggal setiap hari. At least my job now akan membuatkan I sedih sekali sekala je. Still manageable la kan.
Meera started her kindy yesterday. She cried a bit and then ok. Tak sangka plak she will cry because she didn't seem like a cry baby. Hopefully everything will go smoothly for her. I didn't asked about Adah but I guess she won't cry because she already went to some preschool before. Kira dah biasa la kan. All the best for both my niece. Hopefully akan menjadi pelajar yang cemerlang la hendaknya. Amin.

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