Last night before taking shower, I had a good intention of cleaning the sink in my bathroom. When I first moved in, I was so rajin that I scrubbed it with Jif every week. Something I later learn that I shouldn't be doing. Memanglah berkilau memancar-mancar tapi lama-lama dia macam nipis and easily look dirty. Baru seminggu tak cuci dah macam apa rupanya. Pastu since ianya a bit clogged, I try to use screwdriver to remove the thing in the middle. Entah apa namanya tu tapi yang berlubang-lubang tempat air turun tu lah. Tapi benda tu dah berkarat so memang tak dapat la nak pusingkan. (Ok I dah google and namanya ialah strainer basket)
Since I terlebih rajin, I buka the thing down there pulak nak cuci-cuci. Pastu dia macam terjangkit-jangkit tau. Ok maybe I should try to remove this thing pulak kan. Cuci kasi bersih sikit. And this and that. Sekali amik nak masa buka-buka tu I terbuat apa entah so the rubber ring holding the sink and the thing down there to macam teralih sikit. Dah tu tak reti nak pasang balik ok. Sudahnya bocor la sink tu and air mencurah-curah keluar. (Ok the rubber ring pulak ialah rubber gasket).
Ish geram betul. Tu la tak de keje cari keje. Tak pasal-pasal kena panggil maintenance nanti untuk betulkan balik the sink. I thought mudah aje nak pasang benda tu sebab masa sekolah dulu I amik KMT and learn a few things about basic plumbing ni. Tapi belajar dengan practical adalah berbeza ye. Ok la... ok la.... lepas ni I stick to DIY on furniture thingy aje la..... Adoi malasnya nak panggil maintenance. Nanti kalau dia tanya nak cakap apa? Hehehe..... Hari tu saya feeling-feeling plumber sikit la. Tsk... malu... malu...

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