For today's lunch, I had Kenny Roger's quarter meal which came with the ever famous muffin. At first I wanted to bought some but scrapped that later. Tapi teringin betul nak makan muffin lagi so after work I googled for recipe. Found one yang macam senang aje here. I already have the ingredients so before I knew it, I already in the kitchen measuring and mixing. I only used quarter of the recipe but still end up with more than a dozen cups. Very easy to prepare the mixture it seems. Put into the oven and went for shower and Maghrib prayer.
Although from the outside everything look good but actually it's not. Texture wise is nit that bad but the taste.... Hmmm...... Don't know where I went wrong but it didn't taste anything at all ok. Rasa macam ada benda masuk mulut and nothing more. Tak manis, tak lemak, and no vanilla taste at all. Tapi dalam pada tak rasa tu, I wallop 5 at one go. Actually I was trying to figure out the taste but after the 5th piece, still can't detect anything. At least it still hot so boleh la nak makan banyak.
Aaaaaggghhh apasal cerita Nanny 911 ni sedih sangat. Tak pasal-pasal meleleh air mata ni. Orang nak cerita pasal muffin ni, bukan nak sedih-sedih. Ok sambung cerita muffin balik.
So this is my 2nd time of making muffin. First the banana muffin. And now the vanilla muffin. But both time pun fail. Got to practice more it seems. Hai nak buat benda senang pun tak reti. How I wish to bake a chocolate muffin exactly like the one at Kenny Rogers. Serious terbaik dari ladang ok. Muffin oh muffin.... bila nak pandai buat ni?

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