Abah called just now from a Maxis Centre. Told me that my number was infected with virus. He asked me to talk with the customer service staff and that guy told me that my number was infected with virus hence the non-stop Ask-A-Top-Up that has caused us few hundreds every month. Kalau telefon bervirus I faham la but the number itself? Ish macam pelik aje. That guy said in order to stop it, I've to cancel my current number and apply for a new one.
What? Cancel the number? No no no no. I bought that number in 2002 and it cost me hundreds ok. Furthermore everyone know that number and it would be troublesome to change it. So I told him that I'm not canceling it. He got to find way to solve the problem then.
Anyway, nak tanya. Ada sesiapa yang pernah kena macam ni tak? Every month mesti ada ask-a-top-up sampai beratus-ratus. Tak faham I macam mana boleh jadi macam tu. Sebab ask-a-top-up ni selalunya akan jadi bila the phone owner replied yes. I tak pernah received any request pun apatah lagi nak reply yes kan. Pelik...pelik... The Maxis man told Abah that bila number kena virus, nanti akan ada charge pelik-pelik like one SMS will suddenly cost RM8, RM2 etc. Kena seek clarification esok ni. Macam tak puas hati pulak.
I can sense that something fishy is going on sebab once I said not to cancel my number, he hung up. Then just now I called Abah back and Abah said since I tak nak cancel my number, Abah have to register another new number. That Maxis man yang suruh. I tak faham kenapa perlu register another number sebab takkan la bila ada new number, virus yang konon-kononya infected my number tu boleh ditransferkan kat number baru tu kan. Ish Abah dah kena tipu ni. Tak boleh jadi ni. Kena buat report ni tapi Maxis hotline ni kerja sampai pukul 6 la pulak. Sigh.....
So nak tanya sekali lagi. Ada sape-sape pernah jadi macam ni tak? Please share ye. Thanks!

1 comment:
Benda ni akan jadi kalaua da orang nak beli nombor yg kak eny pakai. mungkin no kak eny cantik kot. hehehe nak confirm, akak pegi jer trus kat maxis center. scammer ada mcm2 cara nak wat duit
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