So I went home last weekend. My immediate boss said I should have been taking leave earlier. Kan. What to do... too many urgent papers la. I can't leave things hanging just like that. Once everything settled barulah lega and boleh la balik rumah dengan tenang. But that makes me feel like a bad daughter la pulak. Lebihkan kerja dari family matters. Sigh....
Anyway, I went home riding a bus from Putrajaya Sentral to Kuantan. It took me extra 2 hours to arrive home compared to the 3 hours drive. Sabar je lah hati. To make things worse, a giant sat beside me so I macam terhimpit aje kat dinding tu. For 5 freaking hours ok. Nak cakap takut so bersabar ajelah menanti sampai ke destinasi. What a stressful journey. Hahaha....
I have this strange habit of folding clothes right after I woke up. Orang selalu bangun pagi kalau tak masuk bilik air mesti cari benda nak makan kan. I tak. Bangun and went straight to fold clothes. It happen every time I'm home. I just can't see clothes piling up at a side. Padahal at my own place pun ada je baju yang tak berlipat. Hehehe.... So Saturday morning, woke up, folding clothes first and then keluar tengok pokok. Anyone who has come to my family house will know how green the surrounding areas. Thanks to my dad's green hand. Macam-macam pokok ada.
If you asked me, I pun tak tau pokok apa lah semua ni.
Pokok bunga kertas. Jangan tak tau, siap ada researcher mat saleh lagi datang tanya Abah pasal pokok-pokok ni tau.
Underneath pokok besar di depan pintu masuk kedua.
Behind pokok bunga kertas ada pokok-pokok lain lagi
Aduhai ni yang best ni. Ada banyak ok. So diorang kat rumah boleh makan limau kasturi fresh la
Yang kiri tu I tak sure cempedak atau nangka ataupun gabungan antara dua tu. Yang kanan pulak buah belimbing. sedap buat sambal belacan. Tak pun campur dalam masak lemak. Ish terkecur pulak air liur ni....
Adoi ni lagi best. Tapi Mak kata tak masak lagi tu. Kena tunggu hitam baru manis. Kalau merah ni masih masam. By the time dia masak mesti I tak de kat rumahnya. Asyik tak dapat merasa je blackberries ni.
Pokok kari sebesar ini boleh buat supply daun kari kat kedai mamak ni. As for the daun kunyit pulak, begitu besar and boleh buat balut ikan untuk dibakar. Yummy....
Pokok cili padi. Nak makan just petik saje. Memang fresh and pedas
Bunga apa ni?
Awww cantiknya. Bang Long suka la kalau amik gambar bunga-bunga ni. Siap beli camera ribu-ribu and lens ribu-ribu just for this kind of photos. I amik guna camera phone aje. Hehehe....
Dah puas ronda-ronda keliling rumah, I buat roti pulak. Hahaha... Memang gigih betul balik kali ni. Actually Jannah nak buat donut untuk breakfast. But then while waiting for the doh to set, she went to hospital. So that afternoon while Mak cook lunch (kari ikan tongkol yang begitu umpphhh), I was experimenting with the doh; nak buat jam filled bun. I bab-bab main dengan pastry ni memang suka. First attempt to make jem filled bun. Hasilnya ada yang jadi ada yang tak tapi sedap la jugak. Cuma next time kena beli jem mahal baru la lagi sedap. Hahaha....
Tengok la tu.... banyak yang bocor sebab I didn't put the jem in the middle. Bila the doh mengembang, the jem tend to be dekat bawah. Tak pe first attemp kan.
So ni yang bocor-bocor punya
Tapi yang jadi pun ada. Nampak cantik aje kan. Tapi jem tu tak berapa best la. Jenama Nona. Rasa pelik aje. Ini perisa blackcurrant.
Ini pulak perisa strawberry. Sorry to say, jem strawberry jenama Nona ni rasa memang out la.
I terlupa daratan kejap. Right after lunch terus sambung makan roti pulak. Hehehe.... Fresh bun right from oven is sooooo yummy. I had a super full tummy. Then it's time for visiting Abah. This time since I didn't bring my car, it was a hassle to move around. Those van and MPV dok tersadai aje tak de orang nak drive. I can't drive both sebab manual. Besar pulak tu. So I have learnt my lesson. Learning to drive those vehicles would be on my list of things to do next time I'm going back. Since no one else left at home beside Mak, Akak, Dik Man and me, we decided to ride a taxi except for Mak. Someone will pick her up later. My last taxi ride was more than 4 years ago.
Sedang menunggu teksi
Hahaha.... sempat lagi tu.....
Since there's not enough space for the 3 of us, we have to split; Dik Man first and then me and Akak. We were cheated by the taxi driver la. Dik Main paid only RM1.50 whilst me and Akak, we have to pay RM2 per head. Tak pe lah... dah rezeki dia kan. Nak kata apa lagi. Hmmmm.... Anyway when we arrived there Abah merajuk sebab tak bawak lauk kari. Hehehe... Abah...Abah.... But I brought along the bun so give him that first. Laju je makan. Tapi still insist nak lauk kari juga. He even skip lunch just so he can eat the curry. So when Jannah went to pick Mak tu we asked Mak to brought along the curry. Abah called Mak earlier telling her that he's been dreaming of eating fish head curry in his sleep. So thats why la Mak made curry for lunch. Hehehe.....
Before makan kena cucuk insulin dulu
Ini lauk hospital. Duduk 1st class ni, hidangan bukan main lagi. Dulu masa kat 2nd class, makan dalam tray aje. Yang sebelah tu minum petang. Susu dan roti.
Abah dan lauk karinya.... Berselera betul. Hehehe.....
Dik Man pun nyibuk aje nak makan
We stayed there until 8.30pm. Mak left earlier sebab nak solat maghrib kat rumah. Dik Man tinggal to take care of Abah so balik la kami 2 motor; Cumat with Akak and Jannah with me and Ayum. Kelakar betul. Dah lama tak naik motor. Asyik tergelak aje. I mana biasa naik motor peluk-peluk ni. Jannah and Ayum suh I peluk-peluk. Hish tak kuasa la. Hahaha.....
As for Sunday, I bangun awal pagi just to bake a brownies yang telah bertukar menjadi cake. Hehehe... A tad too sweet tapi sedap aje. After lunch ke hospital again and from there straight to bus stand. My bus was at 5.30pm. Rasa sekejap sangat balik kali ni. Tak puas betul. I should have been taking leave for today la kan tapi ada benda urgent nak kena buat la pulak. Hish asyik fikir kerja aje..... Reached Putrajaya around 10.15pm. Thanks to Mazli kerana telah sudi menjadi the executive driver. Hehehe....
Can't wait to go home again. Mudah-mudahan Abah akan cepat sembuh dan kembali cergas seperti sediakala. Amin. And kawan-kawan, tolong doakan my dad sekali ye. Thanks a bunch.