Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sayang anak Abah

Yesterday I was having a discussion with my new head of department when he received a call from his son. And I overheard the conversation, well a bit lah.

Son: Abah, Abah kat mana ni?

Boss: Abah kat ofis lagi, sayang.

Son: Abah tengah buat apa tu?

Boss: Abah tengah ada discussion sikit ni, sayang.

Son: Bla…bla…bla…

Boss: Oklah Adi. Nanti Abah telefon ye. Ok bye.

Whoa… he calls his children SAYANG. I was terkesima like that. Truly a loving and doting father. Well the ex-boss also a fatherly figure but I never heard he called his children sayang. And not my parents too.

When we knew that he’s the new boss, everyone have nothing else to say about him except good ones. Very soft spoken, humble, very family-oriented and even wara’ (pious) ok. But I guess he’s not as funny as the ex-boss who cracked jokes all the times.

Work can never be easier without bosses like this. I can’t work with fierce bosses for I take things to my heart. Every single thing. Ok I know it’s not good thing to do but bad habit die hard ok.

Eh where do you think I can find a guy like this that is still single and available huh? Hehehe….


didi said...

Wah, puji boss baru...

Aku pesan dia,

"Tuan jadi SUB Pentadbiran kena jadi gengster sikit. Kat R ok la, PSU pun Mazli yang pendiam tu. Kat Bhgn P kena ganas sikit".


Tapi dia memang baik.

Eny Yusof said...


ko nah suh boss aku jd gengster? sampai kucing bertanduk pun tak mungkin perkara itu akan terjadi beb.

keje kat pentadbiran ni sgt stress. sib baik boss tak menambahkn stress lagi.

swit@kon said...


didi said...

aku pesan kat dia macam tu sebab takut pegawai-pegawai yang ganas di pentadbiran memijak kepalanya.

kau tak termasuk la.
nasib seseorang yang bersuara nyaring tu tu dah pegi bahagian radin*ehem*

Eny Yusof said...

hehehe... aku tau sape tu.