Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Sape di sana?

Last night, before sleep I called Abah to wish him for his birthday. It was about 9pm. We talk about something when suddenly Abah asked;

Kat mana ni?

Kat rumah la.

Sape ada kat sana?

Mana ada sape-sape. Sorang je.

Abah dengar bunyi orang bercakap-cakap tu.

Gema kot.

Tak lah. Abah dengar suara orang.

Ok that really scares me. But I try not to think too much on it.

Mungkin bunyi kipas kot. Tak pun lampu ni. Lampu ni memang ada bunyi sikit.

Abah keep on insisting about the voice but I changed the topic and continue back on our discussion. Then Abah said again;

Eh betullah. Abah dengar suara orang batuk plak ni.

Mana ada Bah, suara kipas, lampu etc.

I’m scared but keep on telling myself that there’s nothing to be scared of by giving so many excused for the sound. I think Abah sensed that too. He finally gave in.

Hmm yelah tu kot.

After I hang up the phone, immediately went to bed and recited ayatul Qursi and the 4 Qul. Then I continue reciting the ayatul Qursi again sampai tersasul-sasul ok.

I hardly sleep last night but when I did, I got weird dreams. Came morning, instead of feeling refreshed, I felt tired. My face also looked tired in the mirror.

So mysterious lah. Was it really the sound from my room or was it some kind of line-crossing? No body knows for sure but I really hope it’s the latter one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no lah..dont be scared..just a line crossing ma..lots of people have da same experince..hehe