They’re gone and I’m back to my lonely self. Ayum went back a day earlier, with Mak and Abah on Saturday night, leaving Adah to stay with us for one night. On Sunday morning, while Akak make breakfast and Siti packing up their stuff, I took Adah to the playground downstairs. She’s not so hyperactive like Meera, prefers to play with the swing only.

Adah look so cute holding the tree. But then something happened.
Poor Adah. She was bitten by the big ants. There was a lot inside her clothes ok. After some bites, she nearly cried but Aunty manage to sooth her. Phew...
During the LRT ride.
Adah, pegi duduk kat depan.
Buat apa duduk depan, bukannya ada tv.
Cik Ngah, kenapa rumah Cik Ngah tak de tv??Cik Ngah tak de duit.
Kenapa tak de duit?
Sebab Cik Ngah dah beli barang lain. Adah bagilah Cik Ngah duit nak beli tv.
Nanti Adah bagi Cik Ngah posen (10 sen) ek.
Seposen mana cukup. Kena ringgit-ringgit.
Nanti Adah bagi 4 ringgit. Adah selalu ada 4 ringgit.
Kenapa naik bas?
Hantarlah Adah naik kereta.
Rumah Adah jauh.
I miss them soooo much. Tsk Tsk Tsk
kesian ko...tak carik housemate ke eny?
Nope. Trying to learn on living on my own but kalo ko bosan ke ape, silalah datang melepak kat umah aku ni ha. Warning: rumah aku tak de pape kecuali makanan. Hehehe
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