Hari ni nothing much happened. Duduk rumah je so most of the time baca novel and online. By afternoon Siti telah menyiapkan ingredients unuk membuat cupcakes so sambil online sambil help her. If you all remember, I pernah tulis about wanting to try my hand on baking kan. So for my birthday, I got a hand mixer from my sister Jannah. Being such an OCD, I equipped myself with few baking stuff first. So far I have almost all the necessary equipments needed to bake. I just need a partner in crime je coz obviously I have no idea how to start or what to do. So today Siti is my partner in crime; actually she did almost everything. I just menyibuk-nyibuk je. Hehehe.... We make 2 flavor; chocolate and plain with chocolate chips. So these are some of the photos of us in action.
Preparing the ingredients
The basic butter and sugar
Mixer baru, bowl baru, semua barulah
Adding flour
Mixed it nicely
Plain with chocolate chips
2 flavor
Putting in cups
And bake in the oven
Waiting for their turn
Dah macam muffin la pulak....
End product tak de la pulak. Tak berapa menjadi la this time. Maybe sebab I menyibuk kot. Selalu buat jadi je. Tak pe, practice makes perfect. Lepas ni akan cuba lagi. As fo berbuka, we had daging masak kicap and sawi goreng again. Sawi goreng adalah favourite during berbuka. I can have it everyday.
And now I'm waiting for her to get ready. Kejap lagi nak kena masuk kem balik. Aduhai.....As for me, esok keja. Aduhai....

Eny. Jadi je tu..
Takpe, cuba lagi lain kali.
Result of post mortem;
1. bancuhan koko kurang thus the choc ones tu a bit dry. but still ok
2. i put too much in a cup for the choc chip ones thus membuak2; atas garing but inside tak masak.
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