This is Pn. Sarinah a.k.a Kak Serry. Today is her last day here coz she’s been promoted to a CC post at RELA, Melaka. Admin will never be the same again without Kak Serry coz she’s one of the kind yang menceriakan suasana dengan lawak-lawaknya yang spontaneous. Wah sume penceria suasana admin got promoted and will be transfer out. Time change so do people so those who remain should get used to it. It’s the dance of life. All the best to Kak Serry at her new place. You will always be remembered here Kak Serry.
These are some of the photos taken during breakfast@admin, sponsored by Kak Serry. Terima kasih daun keladi, panjang umur kita jumpa lagi
L to R : Kak Jas, Lydia, Edwin, Kak Serry, En. Nasrol, En. Afnan & En. Mistuman
L to R : CC Hajar, En. Rossley, Kak Asmah, Zana, Lia, Zura & Naras
L to R : Me, Nora, Kak Jas & Lydia
Cheese cake sponsored by Admin. But I did not ate this cake pon coz I'm just not into cheese cake
This is En. Mistuman a.k.a Superman, Ultraman, He-man & what not man for our ministry. Aset hidup paling berharga ni. Without him, KKLW akan tempang. Cewah!
An called me just now. Few years has passed since the last time we talk to each other. Don’t get me wrong, we did not have a fight or anything, just that time has drifted us away. We’ve loose contact since she got married, not so long after she started her career at Angkasa while me, at Guardian. I’ve been longing to contact her but you know la kan, the “nanti lah…” of mine maknanya either terlupa terus or buat but then the timing is not right anymore. What kind of friend la I ni kan. I love all my friends (minah kecoh macam I ni clicked easily with people thus end up with so many close friends) but having too many of them sometimes I terlupa nak keep in touch, even if I do, as I said makan tahun la kan. Just imagine, I’ve been to so many schools and at every school I got a few cliques of mine. Ada clique classmate, ada clique dormmate (I even got a few admirer from senior & junior batch, dulu la tu, masa muda-muda coz I’m just different) and macam-macam cliques lagi la including cliques during my uni days at UiTM with so many society@activities and not forgetting my ex-colleague kat Guardian (I served at quite a few branches during my 3 ½ service with Guardian so ramai la ex-colleague). Some people only clique with just a few friends and stay with that clique for the rest of their life. Like me, wah boringnye kalau asyik dengan orang yang sama je so I have different cliques at a same time so my life have never been bored or dull. Every clique has their own specialties so I treasured each and every moment I spend with them.
Ok back to An story. Wah she already have a pair of child, a 3 ½ year old son and 2 ½ year old daughter and now due for the 3rd ones, at any moment. All my friend dah beranak-pinak but here I am still single-mingle. Nak buat macam mana kan, dah tersurat untuk belum bertemu jodoh. Sabar aje lah kan…. Talking about jodoh ni kan, masih ramai yang tak percaya that I don’t have a boyfriend and tu belum cakap yang I never had pon. Lagi la diorang tak percaya. Yelah coz I’ve been seen around with guys all the time. Ye ke? Hmm I keluar jugak dengan girlfriends tapi as I said before, most of them have families to attend to so jarang la dapat spare time for me. So I end up going out with kawan-kawan yang available la kan, which happen to be those guys (if only those guys know that they have been labeled as my toy boys sure they will be pissed off kan. But I know it was meant only as a jokes among my friends aje… takkan lah I nak ada toy boys plak… tak kuasa ok). Wait a minute, no wonder la tak de orang nak ngorat I, mesti diorang ingat I dah ada boyfriend, sebab selalu je dengan guys kan. Ye tak ye jugak tapi mulut kan ada, tanya la dulu, iye tak? Hehehe….
Actually many people (friends, colleagues, or even relatives of my friends yang berkenan kat I la tu konon-kononnya) have tried to be the matchmaker for me but than sure tak jadi punya. You name it sume ade. Cikgu la, lecturer la ntah sape-sape lagi ntah but I don’t know; I just don’t feel like going serious with all of them. No, I’m not picky or demanding lebih-lebih, maybe we are not meant for each other kot. I am thankful to all those yang terlibat nak jadi my matchmaker so I ada la gak contacting with all sort of guys yang diorang nak introduce to me tu but halfway thru I dah hilang interest. Macam mana nak describe ek… I ni ada angin gak la… kalau I rajin I akan sms or layan diorang bercakap tapi kalau angin malas datang, malasnya nak reply sms and I gave macam-macam lame excuse just to cut short their calls. Normally I told them that I’m in the middle of doing something or paling worst pon I cakap my mom panggil. Hehehe… teruk I ni kan. Sorry guys tapi that’s me…. Take it or leave it. Towards a certain stage, tahap kemalasan I akan melebihi tahap kerajinan I so you know the rest of the story la kan. So now I am absolutely free from all these matchmaking things. Besides going out with my close colleague like En. Afnan, En. Nasrol, and guys from my batch (Fadhley, Wan, Hafiz yang dah begitu lama tak keluar sekali) or Nora (nama manja I for him, kelakar tak?) just to name a few, there’s no one else. Don’t get me wrong ok, not trying to promote myself or anything, cuma saje la nak citer. Ok la before I bore you guys reading about all this crap, this topic will be continue later on ok. (not going to end it yet coz I know you guys sure nak tau lagi banyaaaak gossip-gossip I ni kan…)
Yeay tonight am going back to Kuantan with Eman (he’s my younger bro in case you all tertanya-tanya, “Lelaki mana pulak dah ni?”). Instead of staying at home doing nothing like last week baik la I balik Kuantan. Leh gak gossip-gossip with my siblings. Lagipon dok lepak-lepak kat rumah lebih indah rasanya walaupun sekadar berbaring-baring di sofa or even on the floor tanpa membuat apa-apa. I’m sure semua orang pon share the same feelings as I am coz being at your parents home, surrounded with families who love you as you are akan membangkitkan satu rasa yang sukar nak digambarkan…cewah… macam En. Afnan plak. Whateverlah Eny. Dah-dah la tu… penat dah diorang baca ni. Ok-ok… see yaa