Aaaargh I’m so close in winning RM4900 this morning and yet I’ve ruined it. Mengapa ini harus terjadi Eny? Mengapa? RM4900 tu. You see, every morning while driving to work I would listen to the Fly FM Pagi Show. They got this Wake Up Your Brain thing where they give some mind boggling question for you to guess. Each day if there’s no right answer, the prize money of RM100 would be snowballed to the next day. And every day they give 3 chances of guessing.
I’ve been listening all this while but never try my luck until this morning. I was the 9th caller thru with only one try and yet I didn’t have the correct answer. Main teka aje. They’ve been dropping hints since 6am but then mana sempat nak dengar kan. I wake up at 6am, performing my solat and bersiap to office. Around 7am baru turun bawah and sambil panaskan enjin sambil dengar radio. By that time they already open the line la.
Oh kecewanya. Apakah jawapan kepada soalan ini eh.
Scrub a dub dub
Two hands in a tub
A quack at the back
A moo up a head
You can check out the wrong answers here.
Frust sangat sebab I know bukan senang nak get thru kalau call radio station ni. Engaged je manjang. Dulu masa buat degree I rajin gak call sebab masa tu duduk kat rumah sewa so ada house phone. That time yang hotnya Hitz FM la. Pernah menang 3 kali je, cash money of RM300, a super hot pink shades (gave it away to a friend) and some Coca Cola World Cup bag that never reached my home. That were the only time I pernah menang sebab I memang jarang joint contest ni and kalau join pun memang tak pernah menang punya. Some people join lah apa contest pun, sure menang. I guess my luck bukan pada contest kot.
Oh teringinnya nak menang hadiah ni. Teringin sangat. Hehehe….

Tulah aku pun tak sempat nak dengar hints tu...
Ok, mungkin aku yang fanat, tapi aku penah dpt jadi 1st caller, and then dial-dial dapat 9th caller. Tapi tak tau jawapan.
Masa dulu diorang tak buat susah sangat aku penah dapat RM400.
You should try RadFM 1K in 1 mins challenge. Tapi dia bukak line after 8 tak silap aku.. around 8.15 - 8.30 cam tu.
i love
dulu zaman sekolah rajin masuk contest kat radio. penah la sekali line to went thru. tapi salah sikit je. lupa sebut 'dot com'. kalau menang dapat dah tiket siti nurhaliza, tapi salah kan...
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