Sigh... what a dirty beach, Teluk Chempedak is way much better than this

Hanim, my best buddy

Behind that is Orient Star, Lumut

Just beside the pool, and there's a band singing behind there

At the esplanade; sending smses to missing teammate

At Jetty Wing, Lumut Waterfront

Nice huh, I went till the very end

I'm actually in the middle of the sea

Looks like a big photo frame kan

Very big seafood

Nicely build frame

Right in the middle of the town

In the middle of the roundabout

Terserempak with the missing teammate just in front of the hotel

Promo sket

My soon-to-be-groom coach
Coach nak kawin?? wah bagusnya!!! babe, aku teringat masa beli makanan lepas kua dari OBS. semua kebulur hihi
Aah, dia nak kawin esok. Kan aku ada invite dalam YG. Majlisnya kat Kuantan.
Ya betul. Masa aku ternampak KFC kat Lumut tu, teringat kita semua gi serang KFC lepas abis OBS tu. Pelik aku, of all foods, KFC gak yang kita serang.
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