All this while I’ve been whining and complaining about my weight but never took any serious action to at least loose a bit. Serious actions like doing something secara berterusan lah coz all my efforts were hangat-hangat taik ayam only. However for these past few months, I’ve been excusing myself from taking dinner unless I am very very very hungry. But there are some times when I will still have dinner; if I got guest at home (normally my family), when I went somewhere like courses ke, night event ke or just having some fun session with friends ke or during weekends where I normally cook and have some leftovers. My self control during weekdays are very strong but when in that certain situation tu I just have to loose some guard la. Nanti orang kata poyo pulak nak berdiet bagai.
Sometimes I would reheat the leftovers kuih from my breakfast or lunch and eat just that. Sometimes I would take yogurt. Sometimes I would take instant noodles but very rare la. Sometimes I would take snacks or chips. I know it is very unhealthy so again very rare la. Most of the time…. nada…..nil….nothing. Just plain water. But for breakfast and lunch I have heavy ones. Kira twice a day je makan. Snacking sangat jarang. Patutnya makan selalu with small portion kan tapi malas la nak makan banyak kali ni. 2 kali tu pun dah cukup kenyang dah.
I am planning to reduce my fast food intake; McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Domino’s Pizza and semua yang sama waktu dengannya. Not avoiding terus ye, just reducing the frequency to maybe like once a month ke. So after this no more hanging out at those places la. Eh cop, Kenny Rogers healthy ke tak eh? Nando’s? Sama je kot eh. Last month I’ve been to McDonalds so this month I nak makan Domino’s la pulak. Each month one type of fast food aje would be ok kot.
As for exercising, swimming tu ntah bila boleh pergi tak tau la. Keep delaying aje due to macam-macam hal. Jogging pun tak de geng nak pegi but I’ll try to make do with joining some fun run session. In fact this month for 3 consecutive weeks I’ll be busy running and walking. More stories on that later. Dapat bersenamrobik pun best gak kan. Anyone know where I can bersenamrobik tak?
I am also planning to detoxify my body. I have irregular bowel movement so maybe that is one of the reason I still have breakouts although I am now in my thirties. Detox the colon, the blood, the liver and the kidney. I need to dig out more on that coz I used to read somewhere on things to eat and things to avoid during the detoxifying program years ago. Rugi tak simpan the mags. Now dah kena google sana-sini balik.
What else eh….. oh drinking enough water. It is so difficult to discipline myself to drink enough plain water everyday. If you all noticed, I carry around water bottle everywhere I go. Even at home ok. I don’t drink boiled water so I have stocks of mineral water, berbotol-botol of it. I don’t like to drink plain water from mug or cup unless during meal time so that’s why I carry water bottles everywhere. And yet I don’t drink enough coz I hardly have to refill my small cute purple bottle. 500ml aje pun and yet susah nak abiskan. I seriously have to force myself to drink enough plain water la after this; it’s good for the skin, the kidney, the digestive system, the bowel, eh semualah. 500ml per hour boleh ke? I doubt that but I should at least give it a try la kan. Belum cuba belum tau.
Have to be serious la after this. No more hangat-hangat taik ayam. So starting from tomorrow, I want to live a healthy lifestyle starting with drinking more plain water. Kena sukat tengok how much I can drink per day and increase it bit by bit. Wah semangat ni… semangat… At least tak de semangat nak kerja pun ada semangat lain pulak. Hopefully the semangat akan memarakkan kembali my enthusiasm towards my work. Amin…..

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