After just 2 days of commuting by bus, I am starting to like the ride. But it was not really a complete ones coz yesterday my CC hitched me a ride and today I’ll be driving my Savvy in which I’ll pick after work. However, let me see the pros and cons of both. Who knows after this I’ll totally opt to ride the bus.
The Pros
- Roughly 10-15 minutes to work and 5-10 minutes to home.
- I leave home around 6.45am-6.50am and would still be able to punch in between 6.55am-7.05am. I have this fetish of being early. Don’t ask me why.
- After work, normally within 5 minutes dah arrived home. Well except during Ramadhan.
- Can listen to nice song on Fly FM. And the chatty DJs too.
- Can go everywhere I want after work.
The Cons
- Parking. This is the biggest.
- I hate to push car; nowadays it’s getting seriously bad. I have to push minimum 3 cars ok. And that is MINIMUM. Sometimes it’ll be 4. On good days, it’ll be 1 or 2. Oh have I mention about the size and weight of the car before? I hate continental car the most. Way too heavy. As for type of cars, Avanza, Unser, Kembara, MyVi, Spectra, Civic, Vios…. you name it, I’ve pushed it all.
- Because of this pushing exercise everyday, I dreaded to go home everyday unlike other people who jumped from their seat when the bell went off. It makes me angrier too. Berapi-api je rasa.
Bus Ride
The Pros
- I don’t have to worries about parking. No more pushing-pushing cars and getting angrier everyday. Calm and peace gitu.
- Save money. Only cost me 50 cent one way. So if I commute by bus everyday, the cost incurred would only be RM25++ per month. So cheap eh.
- I can enjoy the nice scenery along the way. If not focus straight on the road only.
- I can mengelamun and yet still be safe. Hehe…. Sometimes there’s too many things on mind that I tend to mengelamun while driving. Dangerous ok.
- I can exercise a bit. Can you believe that I enjoy my walk from bus stop to office? Nice windy refreshing morning. Kalau driving sangat short the walking distance and not many to enjoy.
The Cons
- Too long; 30 minutes.
- I leave home around 6.30am and punch in around 7.15am. Quite late to my own standard. But still ok lah.
- I haven’t ride the bus home yet so I’m not sure how long will it takes to go home. But it’ll be more than my normal 5-10 minutes la.
- No music playing during my morning ride. Actually not that bad la kan. Tenang-tenang gitu.
- Cannot simply go anywhere I like after work. Let say nak shopping at Alamanda. Have to ride bus there, shop-shop and wait for another bus. Not sure what time and have to carry everything on my own. Bosan ah. So have to go home first and take the car there. Wasting time la pulak. Or else just drive on the day I plan to go somewhere. Hmmm not a bad solution.
- Ok sitting around doing nothing besides thinking and mengelamun only can make me sleepy. Especially in the evening when I’m already tired. Not good ok sleepy-sleepy in the evening. I’ll have headache after that.
Hmmm macam balance aje between driving and riding the bus. So can consider both ways la kan. Maybe on days I have nothing to do, I’ll ride the bus. On days I plan to go somewhere, I’ll drive. Tapi kalau drive sangat bercinta nak balik ok. And there will be no more visitors parking after this at the nearest block. Visitors parking will be very far and it takes nearly 30 minutes from there to main gate. Itu lagi nak mendatangkan amarah di petang hari di saat badan keletihan mintak nak mandi berehat semua tu. Then totally bus ride lah kan. So far macam teruja. Takut nanti dah ada kereta terus lemau tak mo naik bas dah. Haha…
Eh ada sapa-sapa nak car pool tak? Tapi nanti mesti I’ll be too early for them and they’ll be too late for me. Tak syok la pulak eh. Macam-macam la Eny ni. Tapi car pool pun can be considered jugaklah after this. Who knows ada yang suka awal like me jugak. Best tu.

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