There’s a winner already to this and she pocketed RM6.5K. The answer is Ben; the announcer. The winner was at first terkesima but later screaming joyously. She got the answer from Nadia’s blog. The riddle refers to Ben because he’s a germaphobic, his new cut hair looks like a duck and he always say “you cow!”. Better luck nxt time to me.
Anyway, I’m in very painful mood today. Went for my braces review yesterday and the dentist changed the wires again. This time it felt so tight that my teeth hurts like when I first started wearing it. I can’t even touch my teeth. Brushing it is an agony. How to eat like this? So tight and so painful. Hopefully the pain will subside in few days time.
On a happier note, today is Friday and there’ll be extended weekend until Tuesday for CNY. So apa mau tunggu? Balik kampung la…. Yeehaa…. Eh tak boleh nak beryeehaa sangat coz another week would be my PTK exam. So sambil bercuti have to do revision in which I doubt I can. Selalunya mesti melepak depan TV aje tengok KBS World, CI, Bio and macam-macam lah. And of course melepak bersama budak-budak kecik yang kecoh tu.
So selamat bercuti to all and for those who’ll sit for their PTK with me, selamat berstudy ok.

alah takpelah eny.
rezeki dia.
bila pulak kita nak menang beribu ek.. tunggu graduiti jelah kot. heheheh
hoh. aku dgr gak. gila aaa. kaya minah tu.
eny. gud luck. jangan jadi cam aku kena repeat. :D
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