For 2 days in a row I had the same meals at the same place; Lamb Hanith at Saba’, Cyberjaya. The portion was so big that I kind of overdosing myself with it. I don’t have any reaction towards lamb before but I do now. But I’m not sure how to describe it. Bukan pening ye but something is not right with my head. Hehehe….
Yesterday went there with En. Afnan and En. Nasrol. Haven’t heard of them for quite sometime kan. We don’t hang out together as much as we used to. Semua pun busy, tanbahan lagi dua-dua tu dah jadi boss, I ni je hah yang masih macai. Anyway the portion was so big I kind of surprised with my ability to finish it off. At first it felts kind of weird to eat rice and lamb without any kuah but I guess that’s the reason I can wallop everything. Kalau ada kuah ni cepat kenyang agaknya. The place was so crowded that it took us quite sometimes jugak to be seated, to place our order and to finally receive the meal 5 minutes to 2pm. So have to makan dengan begitu cepat for both of us; me and En. Afnan have meeting at 2.30pm. Kenyang yang teramat ok. Sengkak perut.
Yuzi came and stayed over at my place last night. She got meeting today so I took her for lunch there. Since Siti pun ada kat sini so she tag along. Nampaknya among the 3 of us, I lah juara kot. They can eat half only. Terkejut jugak diorang tengok I can wallop everything. So I guess that’s’ about it for my nasi arab addiction kot. Lepas ni tak mo makan dah. Ok not like forever ye. At least once a month aje boleh. Kalau selalu makan sure musnahlah harapan I nak menguruskan badan ni.
But the lamb was so tender ok. Lembut, gebu dan enak ok. The rice too. Pergh sedap betul. Tak sabar nak bawak my family makan kat situ pulak. Sure best ni. Tapi kan, baru semalam pegi, hari ni dah sesat. Yelah semalam I’m just a passenger aje, today kena drive. Nanti lama tak pegi sure tak jumpa terus dah. Hehehe….
Ish rasa tak sedap kepala la. Padan muka. Masa makan tak hengat ye. Takut nanti lama-lama bau kambing lah I. Hahaha….

1 comment:
Eny, thanks a lot, aku ni cam stay kat hotel 5 star jer, ngan angin bertiup ala sepoi2 x berbahasa tu cam bercuti kat pulau..then makan, borak2 n tido. Tp kalau la buleh kumpul lg kengkawan "musti" lg happening. Still miss our journey to Labu..hahaha, keje giler
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