Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kuantan Specialist Hospital - Day 4

Sorry lambat pulak continue the story. Kind of weak and easily tired la nowadays. Ok back to my hospitalization story. I had another sleepless night. Keep frequenting the toilet every few minutes until I have no more energy to do so. Penat ok. And the nurses keep coming also checking on me. "Ada buang air tak?" Asyik la tanya soalan tu. Banyak kali sampai dah tak larat dah misi oooiii.

After a certain stage, the nurses asked me to call them to check on the stool. Ok I don't think it can be called a stool anymore. Like I said I can't differentiate between passing motion or urinating so faham-faham je lah kan. The routine was for me to visit the toilet, let the "thing" there (no flushing), press the button to call for nurses, they came and went in to check the "thing" and do the flushing for me. Wah macam raja-raja pulak eh. Eh I'm not saying that raja tak flush toilet ye.

Each time they said there's still some residue or something so they asked to drink more water. The colon had to be clean with nothing at all on the wall. If not they can't really see it during endoscopy. Fine. Ni kira macam sental dengan clorox la ni eh. Kasi bersih dan berkilat. Hingga menciutkan. Oh actually I didn't finish off the drinks. Only managed to finish the first jug only. Sampai nak termuntah-muntah ok. So I plead with Jannah to just throw the second jug away. Can't take it anymore. At first she didn't want to but after endless pleading lastly she did it. Baru sejug dah seteruk itu membuang just imagine if 2 jugs. Terus flat la kot. Anyway lastly the said it's good enough for endoscopy. Fuh.....

Waiting anxiously to be wheeled off to OT

Dr. Ngun came for his morning routine and said he'll do both for me; gastroscopy and colonoscopy. Gastroscopy is a procedure where endoscopic camera is inserted via mouth while for colonoscopy, the endoscopic camera is inserted via anus. Told him that I was so traumatized by nasogastric intubation but he said not to worry. I will not feel a thing this time. I'll be under sedative. If that the case then ok la. As long as I don't have to underwent anything consciously then I'll be ok la kot.

We had to wait for the OT availability. It was around 1pm when 2 nurses came with the bed. Gulp. Although I won't feel a thing but still anything can happen right. They wheeled me into OT, sprayed something inside the throat, made me lie on my left side, injected me with sedative, put the mouth guard on and let the sedative took action before starting off with the procedure. I was terkebil-kebil for few minutes kot before became unconscious. It felt like a dream; of them talking, a slight pain here and there, of me moaning before I came back to reality. It was a quick procedure. I was kind of mamai-mamai kot after that.

Helping Jannah to browse latest entertainment gossips. Sempat lagi eh....

Kena tunjuk muka ceria sikit padahal dalam hati Allah je yang tau

They wheeled me back to my room and let me rest. Nothing much happened after that until Dr. Ngun evening visit. He said everything was fine and he couldn't find anything wrong during both procedure. He gave me a copy of the whole process in a CD. Haven't watch it yet. Since he couldn't find anything beside the high white blood cells indicating the infection, his final diagnostic is acute colitis and gastroenteritis. In simple term, infection to the colon. Although I was still in doubt because it was not an isolated case, selalu je sakit macam tu so takkan lah asyik kena infection aje colon ni but let just hope that was it. Hopefully there's nothing serious. Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, jauhkan lah aku dari sebarang penyakit yang merbahaya. Amin.

It was around 9pm before I finally discharged with a whole bunch of antibiotics. My takaful covers only for Dr. Ngun case and I have to pay for Dr. Suraya. It cost me almost RM400 for a simple ultrasound. Total bill for Dr. Ngun was RM4,298.50. Syukurlah covered if not menangis nak bayar tu.

A whole bunch of medications

No solid food, eat porridge, no dairies related, drink a lot of plain water or barley and rest. That was Dr. Ngun parting advice. Seems like I'm a bad patient coz the very next day I ate nasi dagang for breakfast but later porridge day in day out ok. I guess I have to be extra careful with my food intake. Who knows I might have extra sensitive stomach ke apa hence all the pain. Anyway, terima kasih atas semua doa dan ingatan. I feel loved by many. Doakanlah yang terbaik for me ok. Hopefully no more pain like this. Insya Allah.

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