I was not able to sleep the whole night long. Nurses keep coming to change the drip bottle, taking my blood pressure and body temperature and also to pump the tube using a syringe. Jannah had to work that day so Hayat came with her clothes and I was left alone. Dr. Ngun came for morning check up and allowed for the tube to be remove. It was quite painful that I moaned aloud but it was rather quick and not as painful as inserting it. You just can't imagine how relief I felt then. Lega sangat-sangat.
Dr. Ngun said that so far all the test done came out with negative result except for my blood test. There seems to be high white blood cells indicating there's an infection somewhere. He need to check further. But there was something shocking about my x-ray result too. That will be reveal later.
I was sharing the room with an old lady with adult kids and a bibik to take care of her. The bibik was traumatized by the whole drama she heard last night that she kept checking on me. "Udah sihat ka? Syukur Alhamdulillah. Saya takuttt..." She said that each time. The family including the sick old lady was quite loud. Seems like they were shouting and not talking. My siblings that came last night also commented on the same thing. The only people that I don't hear the voice was the bibik. Well except when she's checking on me.
Later on I was wheeled into Dr. Ngun room for further check up. He did the ultrasound to check the abdomen but found nothing wrong. Another ultrasound to check on kidney. But the final one is the most embarrassing one. He inserted his index finger into my anus to check on the condition. Probed to few directions to check the problematic area. He prescribed for laxative and not long after I went back to my room, 2 nurses came with a bottle of liquid laxative with long nozzle. Oh no.... my anus kept being probed and insulted. I asked them if I can have the pill types but they said the pills one give slow result. Nak cepat aje eh. Same answer as when I asked about the suppository painkiller. They inserted the nozzle and it felt so uncomfortable. A few minutes later I had the urged to empty my bowel.
Abah came in the afternoon with Ayum. I had to fast so Abah and Ayum ate the meal provided. They said the meal was tasty. I kept visiting the toilet after that and I told Abah now I know how he felt. Abah kept having uncontrollable diarrhea lately.
Abah was so hungry because he was busy with many thing that he haven't had any meal yet
I was so hungry that I kept thinking on food I would like to eat. It doesn't help that the other patient and the whole family keep talking about foods all day long. Nasi dagang, nasi dagang, nasi dagang. Like seriously ok. I know you're from Terengganu but you don't have to talk about nasi dagang all day long. There's another patient sharing and paying for the room too. Then roti banjir with all the kuah. Sabar jelah. I wouldn't mind peoples eating in front of me while I'm fasting but I was almost starving here and these people doesn't seem to care at all. At least talk slowly la.
Mak came later at night to be with me. She took leave for 2 days. Besides the routine of changing saline drips with antibiotic drips, shots of antibiotic also via the IV point, checking on blood pressure and body temperature there's nothing much happened. It seems like antibiotic drips are quite painful compared to saline drips. I can feel it going into the veins. The nurses told me that this is due to antibiotic being thicker than saline. My right hand already swollen and sometimes there's a blockage that nurses need to sort of pumping the IV point. Quite painful but nothing as bad as the nasogastric intubation. I was given medication to help on flatulence but the pain seems still there.
During his evening round, Dr. Ngun suggested to do endoscopy but I was so traumatized by the nasogastric intubation that I said I don't want to do it. But Abah and Mak said I should just do it so they can check everything all at once. Even if I managed to skip it this time, there are possibilities that I might need to do it in future if I had the same pain attack again. I guess they are right. Furthermore, I always wanted to know the condition of my internal organ like digestive system and reproductive system since I always had this abdominal pain. Since the gynae said I have healthy womb so now it's about time for me to know about the stomach, colon and whatever is there inside. More diagnostic procedure for me eh.
My second night was quite ok. Managed to get some sleep. Hoping for a better tomorrow.

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