Saturday, January 07, 2012

Kuantan Specialist Hospital - Day 3

I'm quite pro in brushing my teeth and washing my face with my left hand already. There's something annoying but quite funny in a way happened. I used a facial sponge to wash my face. It's white in colour. Leave it in the bathroom together with my other toiletries. On the 2nd day, I saw my white sponge has turn yellowish with few orange spot. Smell it and it smelt like curry. Apparently somebody has used it to wash the dishes. Yikes! It's a Bodyshop facial sponge okkk..... Sabar je lah......

Mak left after Dr. Ngun morning visit and came back later in the evening. Apparently I'm still in pain although not as bad as before and although I haven't allowed any foods nor drinks, my tummy was still quite bloated. Buncits. So Dr. Ngun scheduled for my endoscopy procedure on the next day. It was a pretty quiet day with nothing much to do but not a quiet as in noise. Abah said those peoples might be living near the ocean kot. Hahaha..... Possible jugak right. You have to shout against the sea waves.

In the evening, the nurses came with Dulcolax. A strong laxative pills to clear the stomach, intestines and colon. Later on they gave me a jug filled with a sour water to be finish off in 2 hour. Also for colon cleansing.

Colon cleansing drink

My swollen right wrist

My right hand is so swollen that antibiotic drip send a sharp pain right up to the elbow. I felt the pain since day 2 but I just down want to be pricked again so just suck it up until I can't stand it anymore. So the nurses decided to change it to the other hand. I had crossed vein at my left hand and it was a really painful one right from the start. Normally you only feel pain when being pricked and few minutes later you'll get used to it. But not this time. Can't describe the pain but it's the second worst pain after the nasogastric intubation. Minus the stomach cramp la kan.

Kak Sobir came to visit me. But she can't stay long for she had class to attend. Miss her bubbly personality. We've been roommate in UiTM Shah Alam and housemate when I work in KL. She gave me a book and chocolate. My favourite black forest but it's not for me to consume. Can smell it only like cerita P. Ramlee.

Kak Sobir. Missed her already

She gave me this. Ohhhh chocolate.... Can smell it only

New IV drip point at my left hand

New one and old one

The new IV point was so painful that the nurses stop the drip to ease the pain. But the pain is still too bad. I am not someone who can't stand pain so when I said it's painful meant it is really painful one. I guess it was almost 2 agonizing hour before they finally remove the needle. Mind you the pain didn't subsided until hours later ok. Mak witness it all. I got visitors again around 10pm. The kids and my siblings. Jannah came to relief Mak from her duty. And also another jug of colon cleansing drink.

Second jug of colon cleansing drink

The kids

Having fun eh


Adah, Angah (Bella new name) and Meera

In a good mood it seems

Dik Manan who can't seem to stand still

Exploring every inch of the room

They left around 11pm and right before midnight, the nurses came to prick me again. It's back to my right hand and this time they choose the wrist. My blood gush out on the floor. Redha je lah with the pain. It took me quite sometime to adjust but at least it's not painful as the left hand. I keep visiting the toilet every few minutes that I can't differentiate between urinating and passing motion anymore. The nurses told me that they will clean my colon until there's only clear water came out. Or at least light yellow. Sorry too much detail. Siksanya lah......

Back to right hand

Frequenting toilet meaning sleepless night again. And I was so tired and weak from the whole process. How long will I have to endure???


mamamya said...

sabar la eny...aku yg baca ni pun macam terasa2 sakit. kalah org beranak macam ni, at least sakit beranak kejap je pastu tau ada hasilnya. huhu...

Anonymous said...

eny take care!! aku baca nih pun terasa2 ngilu nya, inikan plk ko yg merasanya betul2. sabar ye.
