I know I’m way behind in updating things in this blog but I’m seriously busy la lately. And in 2 days time I’ll be leaving for yet another big event of this ministry. Haish lepas satu satu. I thought right after I’m done with my annual report I will have some time to spare for this neglected blog tapi hampas belaka.
Anyway, after what happened yesterday and today, rasa macam nak menulis sikit untuk meluahkan perasaan (cewah!). Not only me but my colleague jugak. Just because we are in this department, people bombarded us with just about anything and everything. The most recent one was about the parking thingy.
There’s nothing new in this actually but the latest restricted access by CGSO telah menyebabkan kami menerima tempiasnya. Because why? Because we are admin and admin should take all the blame should anything happened. That’s how people in this ministry think. Including many of my close friends too. How pathetic life can be huh.
Why can’t people be more understanding? What if you guys be in our situation? Bila cakap tak mo dengar pastu bila ada problem tau nak melenting aje. People never try to understand thing but choose to find fault and point finger to others. And you know what, it shows the real you. How you deal with problem will show the real your; professional or not. Some people can voice out their anger in a calmer way and in the end, a win-win situation for both party. Some would just meletup with all the colourful words and although you might got what you want, you loose. You tarnished your own image. The receiving end yang kena marah tu mesti akan rasa hot jugak kan. Although they might not meletup balik but macam-macam benda lain boleh jadi. Paling tak best, gossip akan tersebar that orang sekian tu perangainya sekian. Don’t ruin your reputation just because of some small matter. It’s not worth it. (quoted from En. Afnan)
Mentang-mentanglah we don’t fire back, people took us for granted. Ish tulis ni terasa sebak pulak. Freaking emotional pulak I hari ni. But seriously I sangat sedih sebab we were blamed for everything. If you think you can do better than us, then silakanlah pergi ke HR and ask for transfer to this department. I teringin sangat nak tengok orang yang tau complaint and marah-marah je tu join this department to see and experience themselves on how things are done here in this ministry. Masa tu baru diorang tau…. ooohhhh gini rupanya keje admin ni. Tak caya? Ask my boss. It was different when you’re outside. Bila dah joined in the team, marilah suffer bersama-sama.
So to everyone who read this, we’re just doing our job. We might not deal with project juta-juta but that doesn’t mean our jobs are less important in any way. Dealing with rules and regulation is no fun but without it, people would go astray. To some, rules are meant to be followed while to some, rules are meant to be broken. Normally the latter part are those yang selalu nak complaint aje kejenya tu. So which one are you?
Hmmm to think about this matter, ada banyak je benda nak tulis pasal keje-keje admin ni. Nantilah bila ada masa lapang, I’ll write something about it. Till then, chill people. Jangan marah-marah ok.
Beb, napa plak org nak marah kat admin?aku tak pernah terpikir pun ni keje admin..org K**ELA*AT*N LAH PATUTNYA KAN..HEHEHEH
Pasal parking ni memang xde penyelesaiannya. Kesian korang. Aku turut simpati dan faham sangat dgn sesetengah orang yang tak boleh meet halfway langsung, negotiate elok2 and cuba faham yang kalau korang boelh tolong, memang korang tolong.
Pastu korang pun takleh la buat special case kan? Kena fikir Kementerian as a whole. Takleh org tu mintak, bagi. Bila bagi, org lain mintak jugak.
I feel u, Eny.
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