Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to go down?

I shouldn’t be doing any entry actually for I have this important paper to work on but something happened yesterday and it’s funny ok.

Yesterday while waiting for berbuka, I played with my phone. Suddenly a friend called.

Eny, sekarang ni kan lif sampai kat lobi je lepas pukul 7 kan. So macammana aku nak pegi kat parking?

Ada tangga kat situ. Keluar dari lobi tu and pegi belah kiri ada tangga turun bawah.

Tak de pun. Aku tengok tangga kecemasan ni cuma ada naik ke atas je.

Bukan yang tu. Keluar dari pintu lobi yang depan sekuriti tu, belok kiri. Kat situ ada tangga nak turun bawah, terus sampai parking P*M.

Oh ok. Aku terpikir macam manalah aku nak pegi kat kereta aku ni.

All the while, I heard the sound of her heels. Imagine this friend, walking so fast in her heels, looking for the staircase while talking on the phone. I can see my self doing that too minus the heels of course. And I’m sure the mind would have been thinking on all sort of situations like; what if there’s no exit to downstairs at all? How am I going to get to my car? How am I going to go home? Who can I ask for help if there is really no other way for me to get to my car? All that plus grumbling against my department for imposing the new rules. But I guess this friend is a calm person so she might not been thinking like I would.

And actually I myself also didn’t know about the staircase if not because of yesterday’s morning incident where the securities forgot to unlocked the door at 7am.

Want to know who that friend is? Clue: Yanti’s BFF.


swit@kon said...

didi eh? ke min? rasanya itu adalah didi, sebab heels :D

Eny Yusof said...

ye.... yang pakai heels tulah. Tapi min pun pakai heels ape skang ni.

ami wafa said...

oooppss... aku tiada dlm ini gambar.

parking aku jauh la dr kk*w.

sambil bace ni aku bayangkan budak kenit tu jalan laju2, kepala tertoleh2 cari pintu nak trn bwh haha..

didi said...


aku baru perasan post ni


ye, aku la tu

punya la aku nyumpah bahagian pentadbiran

keselamatan bangunan diutamakan sebelum keselamatan kakitangan

dah la tangga lagi satu tu gelap
takut aku turun sorang2
