Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Eny is still here

Masya Allah it's been a while since I last blog an entry here. I've been busy, I've been away and I'm sick now. That should be a good excuse eh. No? Fine. Actually I got a whole lot of photos and story to share but like I said I've been busy (like extremely busy ok), I've been away (aaaaahhhhhh what a great getaway amidst the craziness of busyness) and I am really sick now.

I lost my voice almost a week already due to harsh cough. But that never stop me from talking though. Hahaha..... Ye sila tahan telinga korang mendengar suara saya yang sangatlah horror ini. Bukan selalu dapat dengar kan. Although I always had stomach problem, cramp here and there, muscle pain bla bla bla but Alhamdulillah I rarely got fever, flu or cough. Beberapa tahun sekali baru dapat batuk but sekali dapat memang qada' semua sekali la. Memang teruk. I had this dry and itchy cough. Coughing until my lung pun berbunyi semacam. Yikes menakutkan. Tapi bila bangun pagi mesti ada thick greenish phlegm. Oh did you know that phlegm rasa pahit? Ok I should spare you guys from all this yucky detail. My nose is bocor and the mucus is flowing freely tanpa ada sekatan. My course of runny nose will not be completed kalau tak sampai luka my nostrils. Hopefully it will not be that bad this time. Tolonglah hamba-Mu ini Ya Allah. 

Despite having all the sickness, I can't afford to be on sick leave. I was away the whole week last week so kesian la kat boss if I nak cuti sakit pulak kan. Lagipun ada big meeting next week and as usual me and that 6 paperworks. Dah la ada orang tak buat apa yang disuruh buat. Sabar je lah eh. 

I seriously tak larat ni. Physically and emotionally. Tak pasal-pasal semalam termarah pada one of the agency. I feel bad afterward tapi nasib la kan. He deserve it. Dah puas explain tak faham-faham. Lagipun I was awaiting to explode aje pun due to kerja yang tidak dibuat and that fella la yang menjadi mangsa. I'm sorry but then again nasib la kan. Sape suruh tak buat like what I asked you to do. Agensi lain tak de masalah pun. 

A getaway doesn't seem to make me better it seems. I need another one. Hehehe..... All the story tertunggak akan dicerita bila I larat and ada masa ok. Nasib la kalau cerita tu dah tahap basi berkulapuk sekalipun. Nak baca, baca. Tak nak sudah. Kannnn..... Ok nak sambung batuk jap. Selamat bekerja semua. 


F.a.d. R.o.y said...

I will wait for your story ok?

Eny Yusof said...


Because you'll be one of it kan. Hehehe.....

fyruz said...

patut la senyap ja. sakit rupanya