Monday, November 15, 2010

Putrajaya Global Diabetic Walk 2010

Bengang kena tipu punya pasal sampai terlupa nak cerita pasal the weekend event. Last Saturday morning I joined the Putrajaya Global Diabetic Walk 2010. The distance was 5km only. I love the fact that there were many events yang dianjurkan di depan Palace of Justice yang hanyalah sekangkang king kong from my place itu. Within walking distance so adalah rugi kalau tak join. Dah la free kan. The night before Sal came to my place for sleepover since the shirt will be given from 6-6.45am. Subuh masuk around 5.40am so sangat lah sempat untuk jadi the early bird.

When we arrived there, the place was quite gelap aside from the normal road side light. Tak nampak macam ada event pun. Dah la event yang global plak tu. Nak kata small scale the sponsors adalah big companies. Punyalah sadis the organizers sampaikan nak tengok senarai nama pun susah ok. Yelah tengok dalam gelap kan. Tak de langsung lampu kat khemah tu. Macam blackout pun ada jugak. Hehehe..... Tshirt given walaupun free tapi cantik and the material was ok too compared to the one I got during the Walk for Hunger ones.

In general tak ramai pun participants. Rasanya in few hundreds aje lah kot. Mostly were those from Hospital Putrajaya; the main sponsors. But I guess the promotions should be blame la. Sponsors adalah hebat-hebat; mostly giant company in pharmaceuticals and health provider tapi participants tak ramai mana. Rugilah sebab event pun free aje. KKLW Runners macam biasalah memang ramai. Sebelum berjalan kita buat stretching dulu. Ada instructor from Celebrity Fitness. I suka kalau ada buat stretching ramai-ramai ni sebab kalau harapkan buat sendiri memang tak buat punya. In the end sakit-sakit satu badan after that.

KKLW Runners was separated into 2 groups; mine a smaller one with Didi, Anis and Shahnaz in it. And the others were in the other group yang seronok bergambar sepanjang jalan. The 4 of us memang fokus dengan berjalan aje and sangat lah cepat sampai. At the finishing line macam biasa dapat certificate and goody bag. Later pegi beratur and dapat banana and green apple free. And also a magazine. For lucky draw ada begitu banyak hadiah yang best-best; paling banyak of course la the blood glucose meter. I memang tak pernah menang pun lucky draw ni. No one from KKLW Runners yang dapat pun. Tak pelah yang penting we had fun.

Next would be Batik Fun Walk. Sape yang belum register tu, apa tunggu lagi. Jom kita ramai-ramai.      

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